Friday, April 30, 2010

This is a lady that will be missed by many, What an annointing she had on her life.

Priscilla McGruder Passes Away

Kennett, Missouri - April 29, 2010 Sis. Priscilla McGruder has passed on to be with the Lord at 4:27 PM (CST) in her home in Kennett, Missouri. The early reports tells us that Sis. McGruder sat up smiled talked in tongues and took her last breath.
The funereal will take place on :
Wednesday May 5, 2010 at 1PM
First United Pentecostal Church
1015 Kennett St.

Monday, April 19, 2010

How HIGH is your Target (goal) ?
We want to talk about a concept that is SO vital to your everyday victories of life.

The need to LOOK Forward and NOT Behind! We can do NOTHING about yesterday but we can do something about our future. God himself wants to deal with our future and to cause us to be blessed and victorious in our days ahead.

Paul said " I press toward to mark of the High Calling"... why are we shooting for those things so many times that are so menial? We need to do as David said, For I look unto the hills from whence cometh my help, my help cometh from the Lord!

We have no business looking behind other than to rejoice in what and where God has brought us from. There is NO Future in the PAST! WOW! what a statement, I just thought of that while I was typing this.

God has great plans for our future...he said; I know the plans that I have for you... Now I want you to go and look these scriptures up, search them out, in other words you go and find them, this will also help you to get better with your bible and where to find these things. More Later!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tennessee District Conference: April 8th & 9th. 2010

We were so blessed this past week to be able to attend TN. Dist Conference and also were so blessed to be in the beautiful Ordination service with 3 other brothers.

The service was preached by Bro. Melvin Clifford from AR. He did a wonderful job and what a powerful service when the charge went forth and we received the Ordination Charge by the District Officials. APRIL 8TH. 2010 Thursday eve. at 7 pm.

Bro. Ron Brown Dist. Superintendent & Bro. Harold Jaco Dist. Secretary Treasure
and all of the presbyters officiating in this Ordination Service.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

We had a beautiful service today am-pm. we had Bro. Michael McDonald from WY. with us and his family.
He preach this morning and then this evening we had an awesome outpouring of the Holy Ghost he did not even get to preach. People were prayed for for many things and God moved in a wonderful way. Thank you Lord for such as beautiful service!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Today is April 8th. 2010 It's been a while since I have even been to my very own BLOG.

Today is a Very Special day for me because today is the day that I become Ordained at our Tennessee Dist Conference. This will take place at our campground at Lake Benson over near Dickson, TN.