Tuesday, February 26, 2013

There are those that have the Heart Beat of America,
but here's a question for you, do you have the Heartbeat of Jesus?

Are we desiring a moving of the Holy Ghost that we might see souls brought into the Kingdom of God like never before?  As Christians, what are we willing to do to see the very power of God manifested in hearts and lives of people that are hurting and feel as though they have no where else to turn.

I am persuaded that God is looking for those with the Heart Beat of Apostolic Power to bring forth the Anointing of his presence into the lives of people that are hurting and not knowing which way to turn.

For sometime now, I have felt a shifting in the lives of people that I have talked with, you might even call it a longing for something greater. Even the people of the world know that something has to be ready to happen because of the way things are taking place in and around America.

We know that it's going to take a shaking like never before to get people to the place where they know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that there is something far greater than what this world has to offer.

The Heart Beat of Jesus is to seek and to save those which are lost!

I'm thankful that's the heart beat that God has placed within me!

Praying with you in mind,

Ev. Frank Mc Gee ~

Monday, February 25, 2013

Find the Good and Praise It!

A very near and dear friend of mine was a close and personal friend to the late Mr. Alex Haley, author of Roots. I learned something very valuable from this friend of mine concerning this statement pictured above.

Mr. Haley was known for the above statement "Find the good and Praise it". My wife and I recently visited the Alex Haley Museum in Henning, Tennessee.  Mr. Haley no doubt believed in this statement so much, I noticed that even the words are engraved on his tomb stone out in front of this museum.

We live in a world of negativity, you can look around and find so many things that you can begin to talk about in a negative manner. It really takes some effort to look beyond the surface of a thing and find the good and praise it.

In the word of God: over in Philippians, it teaches us to think on those things in a positive manner, I have included the verse for you to read and ponder.

KJV Phi 4:8  Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 

What an admonition to those that are quick to only see the negative because of our inherent nature in a given situation. In day to day occurrences, I am thankful, that I have learned over the years to be watchful for those things that have the tendency to cause one to think in this negative manner.

Having known this statement for many years now, it has truly helped me not only as a minister, but as a person, to look for the good, because I have found, if you'll take the time to look, you'll find the good, and yes! You'll be able to PRAISE IT! 

Praying with you in mind,

Ev. Frank Mc Gee ~

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Early Sunday Morning!

This is a recent blog that was posted by a Dear Pastor friend of mine out in Washington: 
No… This is not a picture at my house. It’s 7am and the sun still is in hiding. But this is quite similar!
Sunday morning is not some laid back restful place. At least not for me. It is getting up and moving early so as to put some final polish on my morning sermon. It’s making sure I have everything ready to take with me (…and still I forget things…).
Finally, when is all said and done, I will hopefully have a few moments to self and will enjoy the start of the day.
Most may not understand this, but Sunday is often a day of “work” for me. It’s not a day off mentality. It’s also not what I live for as a pastor. Sunday is often the culmination of all the “stuff” of the prior week, more than it is a kick off for the week yet to arrive. Seldom is this day spent in idle contemplation, or relaxation. It is a work day… And I am totally okay with it. Since my wife works a normal job this often means Saturday is our only time off together for the entire week. We may get an evening together, here or there, but with OT, phone calls, school, etc. we are often busy with our respective duties.
Sunday follows Saturday. Saturday ends out the week. God said we would work 6 days and have 1 day of rest and since Sunday is a work day, then Saturday is our day of rest. I treasure Saturdays off – a few tasks to do around the house, a nice dinner with the kids to celebrate this, that and the other, and some pure lazy time if I need it.
But I love Sunday morning. I get up between 4-4:30 and begin a morning routine that is unique to me for my day. No one else needs to follow it – this is simply who I am.
Still, I love Sunday morning. The house is very quiet. The sun is still down. Nothing is moving. It’s really my time to enjoy.
Hope you love your Sunday morning!
Bro. Gurley
My reply to a dear friends blog story above:
Thank you Bro. Gurley for such a good post on your blog, I just had to share. 
Because I enjoyed his blog so well, My reply below: 
... I inserted this picture.

 Yes! I truly enjoy my Sundays also, and yes, many times as I am preaching out, it’s a work day for me too! …But I “enjoy” it so very much. I started to say I love it, But, a wise ole friend of mine told me one time, never love anything that can’t love you back, so, I try to live by that.
But for me, the anticipation of what that day will bring is so exciting, getting up early has been one of my favorite things for a long time. Like you said, quite, peaceful, no phones ringing, no one knocking at the door just a great time to make a pot of coffee, read the bible, quite time with the Lord, and my list could go on.

Like I said, let’s just say, ” I enjoy early mornings, …and it does not have to be a Sunday, but that day has a specialty of it’s own. ;-)
Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

PS. I thought it was funny, because for me right now, it’s 11:43 in the evening!
Good night! …It will be Good Morning soon!

Praying with you in mind,

Ev. Frank Mc Gee ~