Saturday, December 30, 2017

                                  The Vanishing Breed!
                         Image result for vanishing breed
       After four decades of Preaching, Pastoring and conducting hundreds of Revivals all over the country, Sis. McGee and I, have had the privilege of  becoming close friends with some of the most Anointed and Highest Caliber Ministers God has ever called to Preach his Word!
       Over the last several years and recently, we have lost some of these dear sweet friends, powerful men of God and their spouses, they have gone on to their Heavenly Reward, but oh! how I miss them.
         I call them, "The Vanishing Breed!" These were all men of God that stood for Truth, Holiness, Clean living and Sound Doctrine. Not to say that the Preachers of this day, that are still hanging on, are not being used of God, but there is a difference.
I long to hear the wisdom of these that have stirred the hearts of Gods people, preaching till the sweat from their bodies drips in their shoes, to reach the souls of them that are lost and those that are struggling with difficulties.    
I'm thankful for a Pastor at Camden that is still Preaching the Word of God without fear or favor!
Following is a list of just a few of these Preachers that have recently departed.

Bro. R.C. Carter
Bro. & Sis. H.L. Moran
Bro. David Hudson
Bro. Carl Livesay
Bro. G.A. Mangun
Bro. Jack Tedford
Bro. Bill Davis

Bro. Gerald Davis
Bro. Lester McGruder
Bro. Carl Stroder
Bro. Kenneth Roberts
Bro. Gerald Adams
Bro. Homer Stephens
Bro. Leonard Plowman

 Rev. Frank McGee

Friday, December 15, 2017


Where has the time gone?  it's been ages since I've posted anything. So much has happened over this long span of time, it may also take some time to get back into the groove as they say.

One thing about all that has happened over this span of time, is simply this, " I have NO complaints!".

Does that mean that everything has been good? or NO problems?  ...No! not at all!  It just means that the God I serve is SO powerful and his blessings have renewed me day after day, I really have nothing to complain about.

I am going to try and go back and see where I left off and try to pick up there, or, I may just dive in and high light some of the things that have been going on over this long period of time.

I trust that this will find those of you that come my way on this blog doing wonderful and being blessed of God.

Don't you just love this time of year!!!

A time when you can reach into peoples lives and be a strength to them in perhaps their most unpleasant situations.


Frank Mc Gee

PS.   A Very Happy Birthday to my youngest granddaughter NEVAEH, 3yrs. old.  ;-)