Monday, December 7, 2020

Perfect Peace

 Psalms 122:6 
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

Praying with you in mind!

Rev. Frank Mc Gee

Thursday, November 26, 2020


Thankful to the One from whom all Blessings Flow!
In Jesus Name!
Happy Thanksgiving from the Mc Gee's

Praying with you in mind!
Rev. Frank Mc Gee

Monday, November 16, 2020


Can you imagine, only 45 days left in this year. What have we accomplished?
Who did we reach out to and help, did we do our best to encourage someone?
What can we do with the 45 days remaining, I want to be a blessing to as many as I can.
I thank God for the days he has given us.  
I always want to be a good steward of the things
that he has blessed me with. 
I Pray that you feel the same way and decide to make a difference in someone's life, even if it's only in a small way, we must all do our part.

Praying with you in mind!
Rev. Frank Mc Gee 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Happy Veterans Day!

Thankful for those who have Served and are Serving Now.

God Bless America!

Here it is close to Mid-November, my wife and I, just recovered from this terrible virus. We spent the last two weeks dealing with a variety of the symptoms that are to many to list. We are just thankful that we did as well as we did to recover with out hospital complications. Good hygiene is paramount, and all of the other things we have come to learn to avoid this as best we can. Obviously, you can't see it, so you do what you know and pray for the best. 

Praying with you in mind,

Rev. Frank Mc Gee

Monday, July 27, 2020

Ever Changing Times

We are certainly living in ever changing times, I've never seen a day like today.
But I am thankful for what God has instilled inside of me. 
The Word teaches us in;  

1 Corinthians 15:58, KJV.

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."

 I always want to be busy doing what I can for the Lord, I so enjoy meeting people and leaving my mark upon their lives, I always want to leave somebody better than I find them. I pray that you that read this are encouraged by what I'm saying, remember, we do have a blessed hope, at least for those that have a genuine relationship with God, he will always see us through.

May you be blessed today and uplifted in your spirit knowing this, 

2 Timothy 1:7  KJV.

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Praying with you in mind today!
Rev. Frank Mc Gee

Thursday, June 11, 2020

A Great Message!
I came across this message this morning and thought I would share it on my blog.
I can't remember ever hearing this gentleman before, but what he had to say, was pretty powerful.
I hope you enjoy it! 

Who is God to you?
some people use him like a rabbits foot,
or they call on him only when they are in trouble.
I'm thankful I live for him DAILY!!
He is my ALL in ALL!
His Name is JESUS!

Praying with you in mind.

Rev. Frank Mc Gee

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

You Can't Make Old Friends!

Old Friends Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

This morning, I happened to hear a song that I've never heard before. It talked about old friends. Friendship, is something that I have cherished for many years, because the truth is, 
You can't make old friends!

The older I get, the more I realize, many of the friends that I've had for so many years are now gone.  What it would be like to visit with them again, oh! the things we would talk about. There would be no explaining past moments in time, because they would know, they were there! 
I guess one of the things that I really value in a friendship, is the trust factor.

With me, when my trust is lost in an individual, it takes away the sacredness of a friendship, because after all, that's one of the most important parts of a real friendship and that's trust.
Understand, there is a major difference in an acquaintance and a friend.

Maybe as you read this a certain person crosses your mind, maybe you should give them a call and let them know how important they are to you and just how much they mean to you, remember once they're gone they are gone forever, at least here in this life.

Lay this to heart, You can't make old friends!

Praying with you in mind!
Rev. Frank Mc Gee  

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Learning to Walk by Faith, Not by Sight? | The Word Among Us

Walking by Faith I'll reach my goal
Over the hills I see the lights of Home
When this Journey ends I hope we meet again
I walk by Faith because I have hope

Praying with you in Mind!

Rev. Frank Mc Gee

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Getting Back to Normal… – Runkle Plays Games

Will there ever be such a thing?

Or will it become the New Normal!
Certainly, we all know that there will be new ways of doing things different, when the Closed World as we now know it Re-Opens.
Hey!! change is a good thing, let's be positive and work towards helping one another in this new endeavor.

I'm looking forward to being back around my church folks and being in Powerful Services that are not just on-line, we need fellowship with one another, as Christians, that's where our strength comes from.

As we learn to help each other in this New Normal , we will adapt and all things will work out just fine.

Praying that you are Blessed in many special ways in the upcoming days ahead.

Make today a Positive day for yourself and include someone else!

Praying with you in mind!

Rev. Frank Mc Gee 

Monday, April 20, 2020

It's a Beautiful Morning" - Carroll Roberson - YouTube

Good Morning! 

By now, many folks are feeling the sting of Cabin fever.
We been in for a few weeks now and when we go to the store to get the 
necessities they are usually gone and that can be frustrating.

Remember, as we like to say so many times, " THIS TOO SHALL PASS! "

I am so thankful for the many Blessings that God has placed on our lives, this happens on a daily basis, if you'll spend time counting them, you'll see they are many.

Remember the old song, Count your many blessings, 
name them one by one, count your many blessings and see what God has done.

We are all blessed in so many ways and sometimes, 
we just don't take the time to realize them and to be thankful for them.

My prayer for you and your family today, is that you will
allow God to speak into your life and that you slow down long enough,
to hear what he is trying to say and to realize what he may be trying to do in your life.

The fact is, God is always doing something, whether we realize it or not, he's always moving,
the question may be, are we going to be a part of what he is doing?

He'll never force himself on you, you just need to receive what he is doing.

As sure as I am typing this, God is moving in peoples lives!

I pray you have a blessed week
 and that you begin to see
that God has something in store for you TODAY!

Praying with you in mind!
Rev. Frank Mc Gee ~

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Cabin fever - Wikipedia

Are you feeling the cabin fever yet?

Well! if you want to know the real truth, there is probably a blessing
in the midst of all this that many are really missing out on!

Remember this! God is always doing something, 
I can assure you, he's not having cabin fever!

What you need to be doing as a Christian 
is looking to see what God is moving in and 
get into the midst of what he is doing.

In times like these, God is doing so many wonderful things.
What will your testimony be?

Remember this!

Praying with you in mind!

Rev. Frank Mc Gee ~

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

TDH: 5,114 COVID-19 cases, 101 deaths in Tennessee | WKRN News 2

Many never dreamed that we would see a day like this.
The Entire World coming to a crawl, unlike the former hustle and bustle . 
Businesses, Schools, Churches, Restaurants all coming to a major change in the way 
we have all lived for so many years.
For those who know the TRUTH about Christian living, we are not overwhelmed with
what the world is coming to. I have said for many years, it's not what the world is coming to, 
But look what has come to the World.
His Name is Jesus!
He left all the Splendor of Heaven and came to this world in order to give us a way out
of here, regardless of what happens to us in this life.
I so appreciate that ole song that says,


God is totally in control and has always been.
Be of good cheer, trust in the Lord!

Isaiah 26:3 King James Version (KJV)3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Praying with you in mind.
Rev. Frank Mc Gee ~