Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Everything New!

Have you ever just felt like you wanted some new things? why sure we all have! After you read these verses below, it should encourage you to really be thankful that there is coming a day when that very thing will happen.
We just need to make sure that we are doing our part in order to be able to be partakers of this tremendous blessing. I really enjoy reading the Word of God and getting the strength that I receive from it everyday. I am sure that you will find strength in these verses.
Remember! I'm praying with you in mind!
Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee~

Rev 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

Rev 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Rev 21:3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

Rev 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Rev 21:5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

Rev 21:6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

Rev 21:7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

No protection IF we run!

Eph 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Eph 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Eph 6:14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

Eph 6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

Eph 6:16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

Eph 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Eph 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Did you ever notice that there is NO protection IF we turn our backs?

We are to face the enemy of our souls HEAD ON! Never to relent for any reason.

God is always on our side, as long as we keep him first in all things he will be there to protect us!

I am praying with you in mind! Be encouraged my friend.

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Monday, June 28, 2010

Off to a new start!

Ready or not, here we go with a new week! What are we going to do with it?

There will be many things that will happen this week in all of our lives, how we react, will be the very thing that will determine our VICTORY!

I am praying that you will have the mindset of a VICTORIOUS individual and be able to overcome all obstacles through JESUS!

Have a blessed day! Starting NOW!

Praying with you in mind.

Evangelist : Frank Mc Gee ~

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Who are you listening to?

Joh 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Joh 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

God will lead us and direct us, if we will just allow him, to do in our hearts, what he desires to do.

Praying with you in mind!

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Friday, June 25, 2010

Don't be a CASUALTY of war!

I was speaking with a friend of mine the other day and we were talking about the day in which we live, all of the many things that are going on in this present world.

There is opposition on every side. If you are really living for God ( some are just going through the motions) then you know and feel the enemy trying his best to side track you with everything imaginable and even some things that you would never imagine.

Here is my advice for you today! You need to be bathing every day in much prayer, keeping your mind and spirit so in tune with the direction of God for your life.

You also need others that are willing to bind together with you and to call your name out every day, people that are willing to enter the throne room of God on your behalf, and trust me you need those that really know how to intercede with you.

We are living in a day that a " now I lay me down to sleep prayer" just won't get the job done. We need PRAYER WARRIORS! warriors that get the message into the throne room and then you watch as God begins to do what he does so well.

The word of God teaches us that many times we have NOT because we ask NOT, you know the scripture and we all know how true it really is. I will never be satisfied just going through this life trying to "wing it" that will NEVER work!

Remember this is a WAR that we are in, we are daily in Spiritual Warfare with the enemy of our soul, he is after everything that you and I have. He will not stop until he has you in his clutches and his mission is to DESTROY you! Be a good solider for the Lord and don't become a Casualty of WAR. We can be VICTORIOUS in Jesus, regardless of what is going on around us.


Remember! if you have a SPECIAL prayer request, send it to us and we will be praying with you in the matter of your need.


Praying with you in mind!

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ever feel like you must have - The Last WORD?

Have you ever felt like you just needed to have the last WORD! or the last say in a matter?

We all go through some of these things at various times and feel the pressures of life just closing in on us, we become frustrated with those around us.

Don't allow yourself to be drawn into that, it can become a death trap from the enemy of your soul.

The next time you feel that you just have to have the last word:


Praying with you in mind!
Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Are you getting your daily exercise?

2 Corinthians 5:7 (KJV)

7(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

Walking when you can't see in front of you is never fun, we always fear that we may fall over something that may be in our way. Well, walking by faith in God is something that has to do with trust, do you trust him to lead you? are you willing to exercise your faith and do as the song of old says, "where he leads me, I will follow". Trust God today for all of your needs and I know he will bless you!

Praying with you in mind!

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Trust & Understanding belong unto the Lord.

Prov. 3: 5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Prov. 3: 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

When you just don't know what to do, you MUST trust in the Lord. Whatever you may be facing today, it may look like in the natural there is NO WAY! In all reality, you may be facing a problem that is impossible.

You and I according to the word of God are not allowed to lean on what WE know, our job is to just keep on acknowledging him in ALL things.

Our impossibilities are God's Specialties.

Praying with you in mind!

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Monday, June 21, 2010

So much to be thankful for.

What a Beautiful Father's Day we shared yesterday, I trust that your was well also!

We have so much to be thankful for and to reflect on, God has given to all of us so many blessings that we are not even able to count them.

You are on our hearts today in Prayer and we will contiue to hold you up.

Praying with you in mind!

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day

If your father is still alive today be sure that you get by to see him or make a call to him and let him know just how much you appreciate him and all that he has done for you.

I went and purchased a Father’s Day card the other day and sat and hand wrote what I wanted to say to my dear ole dad about just what he meant to me, needless to say the two pages that I wrote it on was not enough room.

I reminded him of some of the funny things he has said to me over the years, and I told him about how I cherish the time that he and I would drive down and old country road together. Some times I would stop at one of those little country stores (you don’t see many of them anymore) and go in and get us a cold drink, just to create some memories. I would even take along a camera and take some pictures along the way so that I could have them to reflect on when the day comes that I don’t have him anymore.

My dad and I have not always seen eye to eye, but when I look back and pondered some of the things he told me, many times, he was right and I was wrong. Of course, I didn’t tell him that at the time because I was too bull headed.

My Old Dad has country ways, but he should, he was raised way out in the country, Moscow Tennessee, Fayette County and I am glad that he was, I guess I can say the roots of my raising run deep.

My dad loves corn bread and pinto beans and a great big ole onion head, now I know, where I get it, because I enjoy them too. He likes the sounds of a whippoorwill, and an ole flat top guitar and a song by Lefty Frizzle or George Jones, guess what? I like a few of those myself.

Sounds like a lot of my dad showed up in me, that’s funny, I recall somebody saying one time, “Like father, like son”. So! When my dad reads this, I just wanted to say; Thank you dad for all that you have instilled in me in my 50+ yrs.

I just wanted you to know that I love you and I’m Praying for you, Happy Father’s Day!

Your Son, Frank

There is just something about a good name!

Proverbs 22 KJV.

1 A GOOD name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.


Proverbs 22 (The Message)

1 A sterling reputation is better than striking it rich; a gracious spirit is better than money in the bank.


Whatever you do, work at keeping your name clean, let people know by your actions that you are a person of integrity. This kind of behavior goes a long way! There are many blessings that go along with this also.

Praying with you in mind,

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Friday, June 18, 2010

Heeding the Wake up Call.

I was visiting by phone today with a very dear friend of mine, we were talking about the many things that happens in a persons life and how they come many times seemingly unexpected. Sometimes we urge them on.
The thing that is really important to realize, when situations come to us, and they will, trust me! we need to always pay close attention as to whether or not this may be a wake up call for us.
We need to ask ourselves the question, is God trying to speak to me in this matter? Can I learn anything from this? or do I just go on and take NO Heed.
Sometimes folks just throw all caution to the wind, as the old saying goes, they don't really take warning when it comes.
I believe that God will always give us some kind of a warning sign, it may be hard to detect if we are not careful, but God is so gracious to warn us about these things. You know, that gut feeling!
You may be going through something today that is unpleasant, may I say to you, look for the lesson in whatever it is, perhaps you may need to heed the wake up call or the warning sign.
I am convinced!! I will also say, I don't always like it, BUT! everything happens to us for some reason. That even seems hard to understand in some respect, but IF we are truly living a life that is directed by God - HE KNOWS where we are and what we are being faced with. NOTHING!! Takes God by surprise.
Be sure to heed the wake up call and the warning signs of life, you'll be glad you did in the end!
God Bless you my friend.
Praying with you in mind.
Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Healing for your body.

Isa 53:5

But he was
wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

1Pe 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

After reading these two verses of Scripture, one can begin to understand that it is the good pleasure of God to heal us.

Now I know that as we get older these bodies begin to ware out, but it is very comforting to know that Jesus wants to heal you TODAY! Don't ever think for even one moment that when you pray with an earnest heart that God will not touch your body and heal your infirmities.

You may be feeling like you have been forgotten, but let me assure you, Jesus is ready to meet you according to your faith. Please trust him today as you read this and know that I am trusting that those that read this blog and are hurting and suffering will be touched by the mighty hand of God.

May you be healed in the name of Jesus is my prayer for you!

Evangelist : Rev. Frank Mc Gee ~

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Have you been to the Fountain? 6-16-10

It's a good thing to be able to get a cool drink of water on a HOT summer day, it is so refreshing and oh! how it will quench your thirst and cause you to feel energy from way down on the inside of you.

Well! just think what it's like when those that are thirsty within their soul how they feel when the come to the Fountain of God and he refreshes them with his power.

Please don't miss what God wants to do for you today, if you are thirsty for Righteousness come to that fountain and let God do in you what he desires to do.

You will never be the same once God gets a hold of your life, you will be changed forever IF you allow him to dwell in you, guess what you get to chose.

Praying with you in Mind!

Evangelist: Rev Frank Mc Gee ~

Click the Video below and enjoy a beautiful song.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Here are some thoughts for the week 7-14

Ponder these through the course of your week.

1. For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.

2. Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world.

3. He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life.

4. Make the most of yourself, for that is all there for you.

5. Make yourself necessary to somebody.

6. Life consists of what a man is thinking all day.

7. Men achieve a certain greatness unawares, when working to another aim.

8. Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.

9. No great man ever complains of want of opportunity.

10. People only see what they are prepared to see.

11. Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.

12. Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.

13. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

14. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.

15. The ancestor of every action is a thought.

16. The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.

17. Every artist was first an amateur.

18. Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved.

19. It is not length of life, but depth of life.

20. The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honourable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.

Praying with you in mind,

Evangelist: Rev. Frank Mc Gee ~

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sat. & Sun. Getting closer to God!

"The next time you are called to suffer, pay attention. It may be the closest you'll ever get to God."

I don’t think there are any of us that wants to suffer, but sometimes we get to that place whether we like it or not. It just occurred to me that when we do suffer, it’s then that we know that we need help from a much more powerful source and if we are smart we turn to God.

He knows exactly where we are and what we are going through, in fact, Job even said, He knows the way that I take. Make sure that whatever you may be faced with today that you turn to Jesus and let him minister unto you, he cares for each and every one of us.

Praying with you in mind,

Evangelist: Rev. Frank Mc Gee ~

Friday, June 4, 2010

What is on your mind today?

Psa 10:4

The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.

Look at what God will do if you will just entertain him in your thoughts!

Isa 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Praying with you in mind,

Evangelist: Rev. Frank Mc Gee ~

Thursday, June 3, 2010

This World belongs to God - We are Blessed by it.

Psa 24:1 The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

Psa 24:2 For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.

Psa 24:3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?

Psa 24:4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.

Psa 24:5 He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.

Psa 24:6 This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah.

Psa 24:7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

Psa 24:8 Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.

Psa 24:9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

Psa 24:10 Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.

Praying with you in mind,

Evangelist: Rev. Frank Mc Gee ~

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Getting in touch with Jesus!

Mat 14:36 And besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment: and as many as touched were made perfectly whole.

We have all made the statement at one time or another, " I'll be in touch with you ".

I don't know what your situation may be today but I know that if we will pray and get in touch with JESUS he will make the difference in our lives. Once you do this, you can be forever changed.

Praying with you in mind,

Evangelist: Rev. Frank Mc Gee ~

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

TIME! What are you doing with it?

It's hard to imagine that it's already JUNE 1st. 2010

We have all heard that time flies and it sure seems like it does. Here is the question for today.
What are we doing with the time that we have been given?

TIME, think about it, something that none of us own, we only get to barrow, we can never repay it. What we do with it is up to us, once it's gone, it will reveal how we have used it, whether good or bad or just not at all.

My desire is to be fruitful to the fullest extent. Yesterday, I was talking with my dear ole Dad, I asked him the question, Dad, if you were giving me one piece of advice for today what would you tell me to do? he replied, do everything you can for the Lord Son! don't waste any time, do everything and anything and then some.

So what will you do starting today? What's that I hear? tick tick tick... Have a prosperous day!

Praying with you in Mind,

Evangelist : Rev. Frank Mc Gee ~