Friday, June 25, 2010

Don't be a CASUALTY of war!

I was speaking with a friend of mine the other day and we were talking about the day in which we live, all of the many things that are going on in this present world.

There is opposition on every side. If you are really living for God ( some are just going through the motions) then you know and feel the enemy trying his best to side track you with everything imaginable and even some things that you would never imagine.

Here is my advice for you today! You need to be bathing every day in much prayer, keeping your mind and spirit so in tune with the direction of God for your life.

You also need others that are willing to bind together with you and to call your name out every day, people that are willing to enter the throne room of God on your behalf, and trust me you need those that really know how to intercede with you.

We are living in a day that a " now I lay me down to sleep prayer" just won't get the job done. We need PRAYER WARRIORS! warriors that get the message into the throne room and then you watch as God begins to do what he does so well.

The word of God teaches us that many times we have NOT because we ask NOT, you know the scripture and we all know how true it really is. I will never be satisfied just going through this life trying to "wing it" that will NEVER work!

Remember this is a WAR that we are in, we are daily in Spiritual Warfare with the enemy of our soul, he is after everything that you and I have. He will not stop until he has you in his clutches and his mission is to DESTROY you! Be a good solider for the Lord and don't become a Casualty of WAR. We can be VICTORIOUS in Jesus, regardless of what is going on around us.


Remember! if you have a SPECIAL prayer request, send it to us and we will be praying with you in the matter of your need.


Praying with you in mind!

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

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