Saturday, December 22, 2012

Without Earthly Reward!

Throughout many times in life there opportunities that each of us have to be a help to someone in their time of need.

Sad to say, there are times when a person doesn't mind helping someone if there is a possibility of some sort of gain in the matter or the deed.

You've seen it, you know, where somebody does something because others are watching or because there is some benefit to be had for doing something good for someone.

The bible even speaks on this matter, that when you do something, if you really want to be rewarded in a spiritual way, do it as unto the Lord and NOT for the show.

Now I'm sure there isn't anybody that would read this that has ever done anything like this, but as they say, "Just Saying".

I have found in life that if you really want to receive a blessing, then be a blessing to someone, keep in mind this doesn't have to always be some great task, it could be as simple as a helping hand, a kind word, or perhaps, even something as simple as a smile.

Think about this, If you ever want to really test the waters on what I am talking about here today, perhaps you may want to try this.

Be a help to somebody that you absolutely know without a doubt, that no matter what you would do for them big or small, they could NEVER repay you, keep in mind this doesn't mean that in doing so it comes without reward, but at least not from the individual that you are helping. 

Wouldn't it be better to let God bless us than to have the praises of men? and instead of looking to see where you and I can get a blessing, let's be a blessing, and you know what? We won't be able to keep from be blessed!

May the very BEST that God has to offer be ours, as we do what he would have us to do.

Praying with you in mind,

Ev. Frank Mc Gee


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

From the Mc Gee's 
May this be a very Joyous and Merry Christmas 
to all of our friends and family.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2013

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sometimes wisdom must come forth!

This was a wisdom tooth that had a crown on it for the past 20 years or so. On the bottom, all the way in the back, over the years, off and on it has given me trouble. Recently, it became abscessed and yes, it had to be removed. 

I went this morning and had it pulled, was it painless? "Not at all!" this thing has three roots, first some medicine for about a week to calm the tooth down and get rid of the infection, then after 5 shots and some encouragement from the dentist and his assistant, Oh! and a lot of pulling!! out came the tooth.

The Bible teaches us a lot about wisdom, no not teeth! But the wisdom that God has given to us to do the right thing, sometimes it can be painful but the end result can be very healthy.

Somethings that we leave alone and not deal with can prove to cause us much discomfort and even sickness.

Perhaps there is something that you have put off doing for some time, you just keep letting it go, guess what? it can eventually become very painful if not taken care of.

Let the wisdom that God has given you come forth, let me tell you, it don't always have to be like pulling teeth.

Praying with you in mind,

Ev. Frank Mc Gee ~

Monday, November 12, 2012

Remembering Our Soldiers Across America!

We celebrate our Veterans today (both men and women) and what they have done to serve us and protect us from those that would try to do us harm. 

Many of them have made sacrifices that most minds can not even comprehend, they have suffered losses untold, friends and comrades, family, limbs and many other physical things as well, many even gave their lives.

Will we be so kind to them today as to remember their gift to us, the gift so many times we take for granted (Freedom) remember! Freedom isn't FREE!
Just because there are those of us that did not pay the price it does not mean it came without cost. 

We send out our Love and Appreciation to every American Soldier and we want to thank you for your Service to our Great Country that God had Blessed.

God Bless America! 

Praying with you in mind,

Ev. Frank Mc Gee

Please don't forget our Homeless Veterans as well!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nov. 7th. 2012

If I did NOT know what I know in my heart for certain, then perhaps I would be disappointed concerning the outcome of this election. If you would like to know what this actually means, please keep reading, it simply means that the Bride of Christ will be going to meet him just a little bit sooner than we thought.
I am still a Proud American and thankful that I have been blessed to live in a place that the hand of God has been on for so long and thankful that " I choose to be a Christian ".

Tis so Sweet to TRUST in Jesus! and YES! I take him at his WORD.

2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 

Enthusiastically yours,

Praying with you in mind

Ev. Frank Mc Gee ~

Monday, November 5, 2012

Tuesday NOVEMBER 6th. 2012

Scriptures To Pray For Our National Election  

It is critical that Christians pray for the coming presidential election.  There is amazing power in  united prayer.  Pray with others whenever possible. The power of prayer can overcome any obstacle or ungodly influence and,indeed, do great things!


                        II Chronicles 7:14 - If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear 
                             from heaven, and will forgive their sin, will heal their land.  

                        Acts 17:30 - Pray for repentance for yourself and for our nation.

                        Psalm 32:6-7 - Pray that Christians will be motivated to pray faithfully for this election and that the Lord would deliver us from the wrong leaders.

                        Proverbs 16:13 - Pray that our nation will listen to the truth and not be led astray.

                        Psalm 125 - Pray that those who trust in the Lord will not be shaken.

                        Psalm 86:14-17 - Pray that the Lord would defeat those who have no regard for Him in this election.

                        II Kings 13:16 - Pray that the Lord would put His hands on the man of His choice  for president (and his team) and guide them in this election.

                        Daniel 2:20-22 - the Bible tells us that God sets up kings and God deposes kings.   God is in control. 

                        Luke 12:54-57 – Pray that God's man and our nation will be discerning and do what is right.

                        Psalm 16:7-8 - Pray that the Lord would give wise counsel and guidance to His choice for president in this campaign.

                        Proverbs 1:5-6 - Pray that God's man will listen with discernment, add to his knowledge,and receive wise counsel in this campaign.

                        John 16:33 - Pray that the man of God's choice would be given wisdom and ability from the Lord to overcome any obstacle or difficulty during this campaign.

                        Philippians 4:13 - Pray that the Lord's choice for President will have special strength and unusual ability from God.

                        Psalm 18:32-36 - Pray that the Lord would arm the man of His choice with strength;would guide him in battle (this election); and would sustain him and give him             

                        Hebrews 11:32-34 – Pray that God's man could, through faith, persevere and maintain his courage throughout this election.

                        2 Corinthians 12:9 – Pray that the Lord would empower and enable his man in any area of weakness.

                        Habakkuk 1:5 and 3:2 - Pray that the Lord would do something that would utterly amaze us  and give His servant victory. 

                        Please print out this prayer guide and pray daily until the election.   

Please forward this to every  Christian you know!  

Praying with our Country in mind,

Ev. Frank Mc Gee~ 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Well! it's that TIME again, to turn the clocks back and we can certainly enjoy a few of the benefits of doing so. What are they?

  1. 1 extra hour of sleep
  2. earlier sunrise
  3. a decrease in heart attacks
  4. a decrease in car accidents  ...just to name a few.
You may even come up with a few of your own.

Summer is behind us and now we have the wonderful seasons of fall and winter to enjoy.
Make the best of it, remember! it's only a season.

May you be richly blessed is my prayer!

Praying with you in mind.
Ev. Frank Mc Gee ~

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Truth is always going to stand, even in the midst of a world or society that says it really doesn't matter.One of the most misquoted verses in the Bible is John 8:32 
So many quote it like this  "the truth will set (make) you free". 
...SORRY! that's NOT what it says,
Take a closer look at the verse:
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 
You see, just truth alone is not good enough, we must know the TRUTH and we must 
live it, that's where the real victory comes from.
Something to think about!

Praying with you in mind,

Ev. Frank Mc Gee ~

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Road Side Ministry

Just today while running some errands near our home here in West Tennessee, I happened to see a road side vegetable stand, having a little time on my hands thought I would stop by and pay a visit to the ole gentleman and his wife who were sitting there tending to their vegetable stand, thinking that there may be a few items that I could take home. 

We visited for a while and exchanged a few stories of things that were going on in our lives, we were really  just having a good little friendly talk. Every now and then, trucks would go by and make so much road noise that during those times it was really hard to hear what was being said by either one of us so we had to talk loud.

I looked around at the tomatoes, onions, purple hull peas and some of the other items that he had for sale and really couldn't decide what I even wanted, if anything!

So while we were talking about the goodness of the Lord, the thought entered my mind to sing for them one of Granddaddy's old songs that he wrote many many years ago, I knew that I had to do a little timing of the traffic so the noise level wouldn't be so loud that they would not be able to hear me.

As I looked down the road, here was my chance, nothing coming either way, so I started singing, " I dreamed I climbed to heaven on that ladder of Gold, my dream was like the bible foretold..." when I got through singing both of them including myself, had big ole tears streaming down our faces and they were so appreciative of me for taking the time to visit with them and especially sing.

Now perhaps many of you reading this today can remember the old saying " Singing for your Supper " well! when I left he put two beautiful cantaloupes in a bag and said here son, we want to give these to you.

You see what just a few minutes can do in a persons life? At a road side vegetable stand, I made a difference and perhaps changed the course of their day, it certainly changed mine.

Before I left, I invited them to church, who knows, they just might want to hear some more of that good old gospel singing and they can sure hear it where I go, and of course, we'll put the WORD in there too!

Praying with you in mind,

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy Anniversary to Mom and Dad

Today would have been Mom & Dad's 63rd. Anniversary if Mother would have lived.

"I still want to say" Mom! Dad!  Happy Anniversary!  I love you both.

Your loving Son,


People put in your path of life!

The last full week of January 2012 I had just finished preaching a series of services in Kentucky, just before these services we stopped to spend the night with a dear ole Minister friend of mine and his sweet wife over in the Louisville area.

These folks have labored in the Lord for the last 50 plus years and they are very close friends of ours and have been for the last 30 some odd years, we have preached lots of revivals for them in the past and we just wanted to take the time to be with them for a little while.

After leaving them and going on to the churches that I was going to be ministering in over the weekend, and by the way, we had wonderful church services and a mighty move of God.

My son Josh was with me, the pastor we had been preaching for put us up in a very nice hotel, it was early Monday morning, we had a pretty restful night in our very comfortable hotel room, we were going to head back home to West Tennessee and my son convinced me to take a detour on our way back and drive to Gatlinburg and just spend the day and make some memories.

So we were on our way home via Gatlinburg. As we were driving down I 75 south in Kentucky toward Tennessee, Josh and I were just having a great time laughing and talking and carrying on about so many different things. I showed Josh the exit on the route towards a city where his Mother and I started a church almost 30 yrs ago, that of course was a few years before Josh was even born.

I showed Josh an old restaurant where the grey hound buses use to stop; it was that restaurant that brought back some memories to me. It was where I took my brother Dennis to catch the bus back to Chicago after he had come down and spent several days with us, we had such an enjoyable time, he still talks about the meals my wife Bobbi cooked for him when he was there visiting us.

We were on our way to the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. When we got off of the interstate, we pulled into a service station to get gas and then back on the road to our destination for the day. As we were driving down the main highway 66 toward Gatlinburg, the traffic was getting a little heavy, stop and go along the way.

As we were traveling down this road I noticed a Brand New Chevy SSR Fire Engine Red along my side, I looked over at the gentleman driving it and I gave him the thumbs up.

He smiled and waved at me, when we came to the next traffic light we just so happen to stop next to one another and he rolled his window down, so I rolled mine down to engage in a little friendly chit chat. I told him he had a very sharp vehicle and he proceeded to ask me where we were from.

I told him we were from West Tennessee and we were just coming from a preaching engagement up in Kentucky and decided to spend the day here before going on home. The light turned green and we said “Nice talking to ya, have a great day!”.

Low and behold at the next light we end up side by side again, we rolled the windows down again, he asked me what kind of a preacher I was, I told him a Pentecostal! Just before the light turned green, he said, follow me, I want to buy you fellow’s lunch at my restaurant and tell you a “Pentecostal Story”. I said Okay! We’ll follow you, and we did for about another 3 miles.

He pulls into a very nice, super clean restaurant and we pull along side him and park and he invites me and Josh in. We go in and I immediately let him know that we were going to pass on the lunch, as we did not want to take advantage of his kindness.

We then sit at a table and he says, won’t you at least have something to drink, and so we did. While we are sitting there exchanging some small talk, he then reminds me of the “Pentecostal Story” he wants to tell me.

He proceeds to tell me this story about a man that worked for him at one time and begins to describe him to me and tell me a little about this individual and all of a sudden I stop him and tell him Sir! You’re never going to believe this, but the man you are talking about is a man that I personally know and as a matter a fact the Church that I was preaching at just the day before in Kentucky was a Church that he actually started several years ago.

What are the chances that I would drive up along side of a perfect stranger and have this kind of a conversation with him? Needless to say this man will some how become a life long friend of mine. Who knows what God will do in the future? Isn’t it something how people are sometimes put right in your path? Just waiting to see what God will do next.

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~