Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sometimes wisdom must come forth!

This was a wisdom tooth that had a crown on it for the past 20 years or so. On the bottom, all the way in the back, over the years, off and on it has given me trouble. Recently, it became abscessed and yes, it had to be removed. 

I went this morning and had it pulled, was it painless? "Not at all!" this thing has three roots, first some medicine for about a week to calm the tooth down and get rid of the infection, then after 5 shots and some encouragement from the dentist and his assistant, Oh! and a lot of pulling!! out came the tooth.

The Bible teaches us a lot about wisdom, no not teeth! But the wisdom that God has given to us to do the right thing, sometimes it can be painful but the end result can be very healthy.

Somethings that we leave alone and not deal with can prove to cause us much discomfort and even sickness.

Perhaps there is something that you have put off doing for some time, you just keep letting it go, guess what? it can eventually become very painful if not taken care of.

Let the wisdom that God has given you come forth, let me tell you, it don't always have to be like pulling teeth.

Praying with you in mind,

Ev. Frank Mc Gee ~

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