Saturday, April 27, 2013

Instability brings turmoil

Definition of UNSTABLE: not stable : not firm or fixed : not constant

a : not steady in action or movement : irregular - unstable
b : wavering in purpose or intent : Vacillating
c : lacking steadiness : apt to move, sway, or fall unstable by movement
d : liable to change or cause quick alteration

James 1:8
a double minded man
is unstable ALL his ways.

The bible is so emphatic concerning being unstable or having instability in ones life.
I have known people that constantly move from place to place, they stay in one place for a little while, then they're moving off to somewhere else, sometimes it's a home or a job, and then there are times that it's even a church.
They are just never satisfied, oh! maybe for a while, but then they are off to the next place.
One of the things that I have always been thankful for, is being content, wherever I'm at, it tends to bring strength to the task at hand.
OH Yes! there are times that one must move on, but is there a viable reason for doing so?
I knew a man once that was actually a minister, and a really great guy, of course he was young and vibrant and had a lot of zeal, but he was so unstable, he would continuously move from one church to another and he would of course in the process move his family.
Even when he Pastored, he would move his church family from one building to another and this began to cause the entire congregation to become unsettled and as a result, he never knew growth, in fact, today he doesn't even serve God, one other sad thing, is that he even lost his family.

People have a tendency to watch the things that we do and how we conduct ourselves in a given situation, this many times is one of the very things that will draw people to us, or yes! away from us.

I want to always have a godly direction in my life so that I am always where God wants me to be and to be the light that he wants me to be also.

I'm not looking to be a floating lighthouse, simply because, it does not have the constant ability to give direction with purpose in a time of trouble.

Thanking God for that Constant Stability in my life.

1Co 15:58  Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

Isa 22:23  And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father's house.

Praying with you in mind,

Frank Mc Gee ~

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