Saturday, May 18, 2013

The noise of this world

Have  you ever noticed, there are people that do a lot of talking and never really say anything?

Don't let the naysayers sway your thinking, God is a Miraculous working God!

There are those that don't believe in the healing Power of Jesus, if you're sick, you're just supposed to be that way, they say. If for some reason you get better, they say, you were "Lucky". 

Real Christians don't even entertain "luck"! It's just NOT a part of my vocabulary. I shared something with a friend of mine recently concerning the word "luck"; it was a habit for him to use that word often, but I've noticed that after talking with him and explaining it to him, it's rare that I ever hear him even mention the word anymore. 

We live in a noisy world! folks demand their right to be heard, but what about the voice of God!  shouldn't we hear him? Trust me, he has so much more to say, and it's good!

Like the song, " I'll be somewhere listening ".

Praying with you in mind,

Bro. Mc Gee ~

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