Sometimes we find it hard to be content in our present situation, after all who wants to deal with uncomfortable things going on in their lives? I know that many times when difficulties come our way we don’t want it staying around long, again, who would?
I must admit, I enjoy a non-confrontational kind of life, you know, where I don’t bother anyone and I sure don’t want anyone bothering me. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that, in fact, I strive for a very peaceable life. I mind my own business, I don’t involve myself in other people’s affairs, unless of course I can be of some help with some good sound advice, and I always lean towards good biblical advice in these cases, but only get involved when I am asked to do so.
In all of this, we know that we are not going to escape life without some unpleasant situations going on around us, but I do find it interesting that the word of God gives us some pretty specific wisdom from a man that I believe knew exactly what he was talking about when he made this following statement found in the Holy Word of God.
You see, the GOOD NEWS in all of this, is that God will give us the strength that we will need IF we just follow him. These words above are very strong and full of strength and power for you and I today in the many things that we have to deal with even though many of these thing we did NOT sign up for.
When you boil it all down, there is really nothing we can do except learn from God and his word and from the things that he allows to happen around us and we can really get some good lessons from these things.
Let’s strive to deal with everything that comes our way in a positive light, in fact, try this, God! just what is it that I am supposed to learn from this lesson?
I believe once we start getting to that place within our Spirit we can be victorious in all things of life. Many of these things may never stop happening to us or around us but we will know how to deal with them and to God be the Glory.
Praying with you in mind,
Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~
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