Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Universal Signs they're everywhere.

We live in a world of many types of signs; most of these signs are universal, many of them being used around the world. There are street & road signs that direct traffic and then there are signs that point us to rest areas, restaurants, phones and the list goes on.

Then there are the signs that we use with our hands, such as extending the hand to shake the hand of another, or there is the hand up by the ear which sends the message that you are not hearing someone very well.

There is another one where you tap your head as though you are indicating that someone is “NUTS”. No Offense!

If you were sitting in a restaurant and you saw somebody with there hand on their throat you would immediately know that was the universal sign for one that is choking.

The sign that I want to tell us about today is another very popular universal sign used around the world, but I want you to see it in a different light. When the police are chasing the bad guy and they catch up with him or her and they have their guns out the individual will put up BOTH hands which is a universal sign and we all know it as “ I SURRENDER”.

Have you ever felt like your life was just going in a direction that you just were not quite sure which way you were headed in terms of your spiritual direction, well guess what? It may be time that you use the universal sign towards God and throw up BOTH your hands and just say “God! I SURRENDER!” I’ve had to do that very thing and just fall at the feet of JESUS and like the old song says “I surrender all, ALL to thee, I surrender, I surrender ALL.

The load many times that we carry takes both hands, but when we surrender and put our hands in the air towards God letting him know that we can no longer carry the load it is then the burden is lifted. Try it my friend and let God refresh you and lighten your load. Use the UNIVERSAL SIGN for coming to Jesus, I simply surrender.

Blessings to you today!

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

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