Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sounded just like it fit!

How many of us have quoted what we thought was scripture and it was never a part of God’s Word to begin with, but it sounded just like it fit?

I’ve heard people and so have you, quote things as though they were telling it word for word and as though it was right from the Word of God. I’ve done it in the past and so have you.

This is one of the reasons why we need to study and know the word for ourselves.

Here is just one scripture in particular, that has been misrepresented as a bible verse.
  •     God moves in a mysterious ways, his wonders to perform.

It was actually a song written by William Cowper:  
The same writer of the: There is a fountain
There is a fountain filled with blood
Drawn from Immanuel's veins;
And sinners, plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.

Lose all their guilty stains.
Lose all their guilty stains,
Lose all their guilty stains;
And sinners, plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.

The dying thief rejoiced to see
That fountain in his day;
And there may I, though vile as he,
Wash all my sins away.
Wash all my sins away,
Wash all my sin away;
And there may I, though vile as he,
Wash all my sins away.

Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood
Shall never lose its pow'r,
Till all the ransomed
church of God
Be saved to sin no more.
Be saved to sin no more,
Be saved to sin no more;
Till all the ransomed
church of God
Be saved to sin no more.

E'er since by faith I saw the stream
Thy flowing wounds supply,
Redeeming love has been my theme,
And shall be till I die.
And shall be till I die,
And shall be till I die;
Redeeming love has been my theme,
And shall be till I die.

When this poor, lisping, stamm'ring tongue
Lies silent in the grave,
Then in a nobler, sweeter song,
I'll sing Thy pow'r to save.
I'll sing Thy pow'r to save,
I'll sing Thy pow'r to save;
Then in a nobler, sweeter song,
I'll sing Thy pow'r to save.

If you’ll notice the words, they depict the same melody as below:
Just hum a little and you'll see!

  1. God moves in a mysterious way, his wonders to perform;He plants His footsteps in the sea
    And rides upon the storm.
  2. Deep in unfathomable mines
    Of never failing skill
    He treasures up His bright designs
    And works His sov’reign will.
  3. Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
    The clouds ye so much dread
    Are big with mercy and shall break
    In blessings on your head.
  4. Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
    But trust Him for His grace;
    Behind a frowning providence
    He hides a smiling face.
  5. His purposes will ripen fast,
    Unfolding every hour;
    The bud may have a bitter taste,
    But sweet will be the flow’r.
  6. Blind unbelief is sure to err
    And scan His work in vain;
    God is His own interpreter,
    And He will make it plain.
I was asked this question the other day and that is why this was brought up today, we need to know what is the Word of God …and what is NOT!

Someone says! Does it really matter? Yes! It really matters!

This is also one of the reasons why people will end up in a devil’s hell, because they thought it meant or said something else.

I want to know! How about you?

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Monday, November 29, 2010

Save yourselves through Jesus!

  • Act 2:40And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.

Conservation, I think is a good thing, I learned it at an early age, my dad always went about the house telling us to turn off lights we were not using, don't run water if you're not going to use it, and only take what you're going to use.

I did the very same raising my family, no sense in wasting what you are not going to use, it all makes good common sense.

 My point today is, wouldn't it be a terrible thing to spend all of this effort trying to conserve things and never doing anything about our own eternity?

This generation that we live in, is an extremely wasteful generation, as were the generations before us, it's an age old problem. They have even had to impose laws in order to make people conserve and still people are still in the same routine that they've been in for years.

God through his Word tells people to live according to his Holy Word and to give ourselves to him and to save ourselves from this untoward generation (untoward what?) untoward him!

I am thankful that I have given my life to Jesus, I have never been sorry for surrendering myself to him, for him to use me according to his will. I have often said, "I am living now to live again!"

My prayer is that people see their need for surrendering to God and letting God use them as he sees fit, if you do, he will never allow your life to be wasted on the things of this world, his word plainly says: 
  • 2Ti 1:12 For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Nothing to hold us back!

  • Heb 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
  • Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Here are some very powerful verses of instruction, telling us to put away everything and anything that would slow us down.

He further instructs us to keep looking ahead at that which is most meaningful, keeping our eyes on JESUS! for we know, if we do this we will not stray.

The race is not to the swift, but to him (her) that will endure until the end, my friend, that is closer than it's ever been before, and there is nothing that can hold us back.


Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Never Alone!

Jos 1:9  Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

What a comfort knowing we don’t have to go alone through this life. God says, I’ll be with you in everything you do.

Our part is to just be faithful and dedicated to God in all things, giving to him our lives as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable which is our reasonable SERVICE.

  • Rom 12:1  I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

Somebody one time said: If you live for God hard, it will be easy, but if you live for God easy, it will be hard.

It’s a joy to live for God, and his benefits are out of this world.

I have often said, my worst day living for God is better than the best day I had living for the enemy.

Blessings to you!

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Friday, November 26, 2010

Things do change, if you just give it time.

Many people struggle getting through a circumstance or a situation, mainly because they are simply not willing to wait.

We can truthfully say that nothing last forever, only the things of God are eternal, everything else has its seasons. Granted, some things tend to hang around longer than we would like at times, but the comfort in those things is …“this too shall pass!”

I remember as a young child working on a milk truck, milk back then came in bottles ( I can still hear the distinct sound they made as they would cling cling together ) and it was home delivered, you NEVER hear of home delivered milk any more, not even out in very rural areas, it has past like a season.

Most of us have our preference when it comes to seasons, some like it hot, others like it cold, some could care less. I for one like the spring, I guess I could say the fall of the year is my most favorite time, more specifically, around the 10th of Sept. because the days are still warm and the nights are starting to get cooler, then of course there is the factor of the beauty of the changing of the leaves.

Let me say again, NO season last forever! You may be going through something right now wondering, Dear God! how much longer, trust me, I am well acquainted with this very question. Here’s what I’ve learned over the years in most of these situations, many times there are great lessons in these things and sometimes depending on the matter, how quick we learn the lesson determines how long we must steep in it.

Many times my prayer has been, God please teach me what you want me to learn and I’ll go on to the next, and for this I’ll be the better.

None of us like trials; we certainly don’t pray okay God! Send me another one, but this time make it bigger than the last! that I don’t recommend. But, I also don’t recommend avoiding what comes our way; we will get through it by the help and grace of God.

One scripture that comes to mind is this:  

  • 1Pe 4:12  Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:

Remember, the TEST is for us, NOT for God. He already knows how we will respond.

Friend, we can make it through any situation, regardless of what it is - and to God be the glory!

  • Eph 6:10  Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

  • Gal 6:9   And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Another Day to be Thankful!

Psa 105:1 O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people
Psa 105:2 Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of  all his wondrous works.
That long awaited day is finally here, Happy Thanksgiving! Be sure to let those around you know how thankful you are, for all of the things that God has done in your life.

It's our chance today to be like the GOOD NEWS Reporter and tell of his wondrous works and how he has touched our lives.

As we all know, we have so much to be thankful for, just maybe what you have to tell may change the life of some individual or at least get them to thinking how things could be for them, if they would just have the attitude of gratitude like you.

May this day be another day of blessings for you and yours!

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Everybody wants a harvest but very few want to plow.

1Co 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
My beloved old Granddaddy was a sharecropper and he had to work very hard to raise his family of 15. I remember as a very small child him telling me about all of the preparation it took to get a field ready in the early spring.

It started with very early mornings and long days in the hot West Tennessee blazing sun, getting the mules or the horses ready for a long days work, getting them hooked up to the old middle buster or to a one horse turnin’ plow, not to mention all of the work it took just to take care of the animals that would perform these tasks out in the field, which very few folks under fifty years of age today know very little about.

Life back then was not ipods, ipads, cell phones, flat screen TV’s and comfort cooled homes, in fact, air conditioning as we know it today was called refrigerated air, mainly found at the drug store in town, first invented by some guy by the name of William Carrier, our home back when I was a child was cooled by a breeze that you prayed for and hoped it would last a good long while.

Many times people want the harvest but they want someone else to do the plowing of the field, someone else to make ready the ground for the planting, the sowing and only then comes the harvest after much work. It’s easy to enjoy the benefits after the long laboring of someone else.

How many of us have enjoyed or will enjoy after the hard work and efforts of others? Here is a good for instance; I have had very little to do with having a wonderful thanksgiving meal, oh! I did cut up a few things for my wife, she had me to fix a few small items, but we’ll sit and enjoy a wonderfully prepared meal that we had very little to do with. I have heard my wife talking about how her feet were hurting and even her knee, mine feels great! Oh! that’s right, it’s because I didn’t do nearly as much as someone else did!

Living in a world today with all of the labor saving devices that we have, has really served to make us lazy, not appreciative of the things that we have, Oh! I know we all enjoy them but do we really appreciate them?

What an opportunity for me to be bringing up the subject of being thankful during this thanksgiving week again, but just think of all of the things that we get to enjoy at the expense of others.

Let’s start with the freedom we have at the expense of our soldiers, the protection that we have here at home at the expense of our law enforcement officers or perhaps fire fighters or paramedics.

Then the salvation that we have at the expense of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, who paid the ultimate price, not something we did, but something we get to benefit from because of someone else’s sacrifice.
Well! Does this make you want to plow or just enjoy the harvest? Kind of makes you think about the blessings that we have and what a good time to once again remember them and to reflect upon those that made it all possible.

Let’s start today and count our many blessings and name them one by one.

May God continue to bless us as we show our gratitude!

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by, Ev. Frank Mc Gee ~

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Forgetting your mistakes, but remembering what they taught you.

Phi 3:13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,

My friend, there is not a one of us that can ever say; we have not made some mistakes in our lives. If the truth be known, we have made many of them over the years.

Some people deny them, they even try and cover them up, they become unwilling to face the music as the old saying goes, if we would just own up to it and learn from them, move on and become better because of the valuable lessons they have taught us.

I don’t believe that God wants us to beat ourselves up over our mistakes or short comings, but we need to learn from them and be the better as a result.

With a thankful heart we can say, hey! we’ve messed up, but we get to start over with a brand new beginning.

Don’t forget them and don’t deny them, learn the lessons they teach us and then go and be victorious in the name of Jesus.

Let’s continue to be thankful throughout this wonderful week that we have before us, Lord, we come before you with thankful hearts.

Blessings to you and yours in this blessed week of Thanksgiving!

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Week of Thanksgiving.

Psa 100:4  Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

As we enter into the Thanksgiving week we can count our many blessings, we all have so much to be thankful for, we have our families, friends, freedom and our faith in God. Sounds like we could start a new club "the four (F) club".

Let's take this week to be thankful for all that we have, don't allow this week to get away without spending some precious time of thankfulness in our hearts, when we count it all up, we really have more than we really need, so we have lots to be thankful for. Don't forget to BLESS his NAME!

May you be blessed this week, now go and bless somebody else.

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by,  Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sin takes away your beauty and ultimately destroys your soul.

Sin will take you farther than you want to go!

Recently my wife and I were doing some shopping and we were discussing the way people look as they would walk through the mall or a store. It’s interesting to watch them, somebody one time said, a picture is worth a thousand words. We couldn’t help but to notice the look on the faces of so many people.

Many times you will notice the look of hurt, confusion and frustration when you would pass them. While sitting on a bench, I overheard a man talking, he had told the person there in conversation how old he was, I found it interesting to me because he just so happened to be the same age as myself, yet you could see that he had abused his body with the vices of sin.

He actually looked like he was 15 or even 20 years older than he was; I must say his age was a surprise to me, but also the reminder of the price of sin.

The Word of God teaches us that there is a beautiful trade off when we come to the Lord and give ourselves to him: Isa 61:3  To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.

It’s so beautiful to see the glory of the Lord on the people of God, and friend you can tell the difference and you know when it’s there.

What a blessing to live for God and to have him touch our countenance regardless of what we might be dealing with in our lives.

We know that sin will rob you of your beauty, health and strength and then it will bring forth death; separation from God, doomed to a devils hell that was not prepared for mankind but for the devil and his angels, think of this, when a person lives a life of sin and ends up in hell, they go as an intruder, because hell was never prepared for us but for the enemy of our soul.

I want to spend my life living for God and reaping his blessings, how about you?

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Saturday, November 20, 2010

He Never Sleeps!

Psa 121:4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

Have you ever just felt that sense of peace around you, even though you felt like you were in the midst of the battle?
I'm sure that you would agree with me, that's a great feeling.

As long as we are in this life, we are going to have turmoil, but we don't have to fret, I know we do, we ALL do, but we have such a comfort, those that live for God that is, we know God never slumbers or sleeps he's always taking care of his people.

Psa 121:3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

I have my trust and confidence in him, for I know he cares for me and he cares for you too!

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Here is a beautiful song for you, I know you'll be blessed by it!
He Never Sleeps     <-------------Click Here:

Friday, November 19, 2010

Angel's watching over me!

Psa 34:7 The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.
Recently, I was talking with a very dear and close friend of mine and Sis. McGee's and he related a story to me that I thought was very interesting.

While he was telling me about this experience, I immediately saw a spiritual application to what he was saying, it was very powerful.

This gentleman that I am referring to is a World Renowned Artist, a few years ago he was asked to do a portrait of our former President Jimmy Carter for a special project that was being done. He had to be cleared of course with Washington and a very intense background check. Once this was all accomplished he was then invited into the home of Mr. Carter.

During his stay there in the President's home, he was telling me that there was never a time where the President was ever more than just a few feet away from a half  dozen Secret Service Officers, they were always there to make sure that he was protected in the event of any kind of a threat or emergency. In many respects, his privacy was taken from him due to his position.

Can you imagine what it would be like living under that kind of security for the rest of your life because of a respected position that you had held, and rightly so.

Well my friend! as I thought of this event, I started thinking about the Saint's of the Most High God, because of our love and respect for him and our reverence and the fear of the Lord, we are continually surrounded by the angel's of God protecting us at every moment.

Just think! I have my own Angelic Secret Service that is with me at every moment of the hour and every hour of the day. They protect me and watch over me and my family and will do so for the rest of my natural life here on this earth.

You talk about a comforting thought, that's it, Angels Watching Over Me. I am thankful that I have given my heart to God and my dedication is forever to him and I fear him with a godly fear and for this I have his promise that he will provide an ever present help in my time of trouble.

What about you? can you say the same? I can only speak for myself as only you can do, are you sold out to Jesus and have that piece that he will make provisions for you as long as you serve him, now that's comforting.

So in all due respect, not even The President has anything on the Children of God when it comes to our protection, guidance and safety as long as we serve the King of Kings! and his Name is Jesus!

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by,  Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Thursday, November 18, 2010

We shall be strong and not lazy!

Heb 6:12 That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

There is something to be said about hard work! ...I have often said, "I don't even want to be in the same State with a lazy man".

Hard work builds character, integrity and strength. These are even some qualities that we need living for God.

We need Character ( moral or ethical quality: a man or woman of fine, honorable character ) Integrity ( adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty ). Strength ( the quality or state of being strong; firmness, courage, mentally, bodily power; vigor ).

All of these thing that I have listed above, have their place in the development of a person that can be used in a great way by God.

In this hour, we need people that are willing to stand in the face of adversity, not willing to back down, or to become soft due to situations or circumstances that are going on around them on the job, school or even in church and then becoming just like everyone else. Somebody has to take a stand!

I am persuaded this is a day and hour of having the proverbial ( backbone like a saw log) we are living in a wicked hour, and it will take people of determination to stand and maintain the standard of the Gospel and the life of holiness living, for as the Word of God teaches us;

Heb 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

We have been given a heritage, it's up to the individuals that I have described above to stand in the gap and NOT be Slothful, LAZY or wanting to fall into the status quo, we have an obligation to those around us, so they can see that not everybody is going along with the flow, there are some that are willing to STAND and BUCK THE TREND!

I want to hear God say! WELL DONE! Thou good and faithful, ...notice he said, faithful not slothful! If one can put a thousand to flight and two ten thousand what can a band of us do in the kingdom of God?

Dan 11:32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

Friend! I am excited about living for God, I don't want to be some kind of a lazy Christian, I want to be mighty in God.

Blessings to those that have the willingness to stand strong, and to those that don't, we'll just continue to pray that you will catch the vision of what God is wanting to do in your life and the life of your family and that you will join the ranks of those that are willing to Stand Strong.

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Did you know that even God has GPS?

Job 23:10

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based global navigation satellite system that provides reliable location and time information in all weather and at all times regardless of immediate condition or situation.

Isn’t it interesting how man has been able to create such a device that can locate a person regardless of where they are on earth. Would you not agree with me that this deserves some WOW factor?

I have a device on my phone that can find me anywhere, tell me where I am, and tell me where I am trying to go. I use this all the time in my evangelistic travels.

I can use it to find streets, roads, highways and even restaurants, not to name many other things if I feel the need to enter them into this system.

If man can make such a device with such accuracy, don’t you think God knows how to locate us, and knows exactly where we are and what we are going through at any moment of the day or night?

GPS -  God’s Positioning System -  don’t ever think for even a moment that God is unaware of what you may be going through or even where you are at anytime. He Knows!

Man’s GPS has only been around for a few years, the GPS that God uses has been around since the dawn of time. You may feel like nobody knows where you are or that no one knows how you may feel, but God Knows! Job said, “ he knoweth the way that I take” now that’s pretty good, seeing that this was written a couple thousand years ago, wouldn’t you agree?

Let’s be encouraged that God knows where we are at all times, no reason to feel isolated, God is beaming in on you and I right now my friend! Now that’s encouraging !

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by,  Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~
But he knoweth the way that I take:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Someone is always watching!

1Ti 4:12 Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 

Who is watching your life? everyone that we come in contact with everyday is observing how we act or respond in whatever it is that we are doing. I think we could easily extrapolate this out even to those that are not living for God.

It may be on the job, at school, church or even taking care of our personal business as usual.

How many times have we said something or acted in a way that we knew deep inside, it was NOT how we should have conducted ourselves. Once a statement is made or an act is committed, many times it's a very difficult thing to fix.

We are to be witnesses to a lost and dying world, trust me, someone is always watching what we're doing and if we're not conducting ourselves as Christians, then we are going to send a message that may cause someone to think that it really doesn't matter how people that profess to be Christians should act or even how they should live.

People are many times more observant than one may think, besides, God is always watching, beholding the evil and the good. I want it to be said, that I have left behind a good example, I really want people to see Jesus in my life and for me to be a good conveyor of the message that I say I believe.

It's really not that difficult, we simply do what's right, regardless of the circumstance, it will always pay us dividends that we did not expect and we'll be blessed because of it also.

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Monday, November 15, 2010

The days are evil!

    Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Revival continuing on and the people of God Getting Tremendously Blessed!

We are living in one of the most exciting times that there has ever been living for God in my estimation.

But while all of this is taking place we must realize that "The Days are Evil"  ... and the enemy wants to cause as much heartache and misery as he possibly can.
  • Eph 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
We heard a most timely message this past Sunday evening, I must say that it was so powerful and I know disturbed the very imps of hell to know that we are not ignorant concerning the devices of satan.
  •   2Co 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices 
Friend, I need to tell you again, if you are not in a Church that preaches the truth of Gods Holy word and not watered down as though we have NO opposition in this world with a real enemy of darkness and that he only wants to destroy our homes and our young people and tear down the moral fabric that we have held on to for so long, you better find you a Holy Ghost filled Church that preaches and Apostolic message and dig in with everything you have.

Don't get caught up in some soft soaked easy believe-ism doctrine that is only meant to destroy your soul and the very souls of those that you love.

So called preachers have been standing in pulpits for years preaching this "GARBAGE message" that it's all about love, love, love, they even want you to love the devil!  We are to hate SIN!!! the word says;
1Pe For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. 

Oh! I know we need to help those that want help and that are wanting to turn their lives around, but we have NO obligation to those that live in sin and continue to do evil, only to live our lives before them as a witness unto them so they can see God in our lives.

I refuse to bow to the enemy and let down the standard that God has set before us, God will have a people that are HOLY unto him and that are willing to live according to his word.

I'm praying with you today and trusting that you will realize what I am saying is only a matter of TRUTH!

May I say to you today, If you're not where you ought to be with God "Get There!" there's NO time to waste, I know this is a little different from my usual blog, but there are many of you that have known me for a long time and you know what I am saying is of TRUTH!

God is doing a wonderful work in the hearts and lives of many people, I'm praying that you'll be one of them. There is NO reason for us to except anything less than the very best that God has to offer!

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by,  Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What's on your mind?

Psa 8:4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?

What a question! think about it, what is man, that thou art MIND-FULL of him? Think with me for a moment, the writer is expressing his understanding of the Lord and that his mind (whose mind? the mind of the Lord) is FULL of us.

Can you just imagine that even the very thoughts of our God are surrounded with us, he wants nothing but the best for us, and for mankind to have a visitation with him. Is it any wonder that another scripture says;

Isa 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

You see! it's a two way street my friend, our thoughts are on him, his thoughts are on us. These verses have always done something in my spirit, just knowing that God cares so much for us that we are the very center of his thoughts.

What is it like when you think of an ole friend? perhaps someone that you've not seen in a while or even talked to, your thoughts are wonderful things like getting to be with them again and sharing those joyous moments, reminiscing, if we think like this, how does God think?

He wants the best for each and everyone of us, don't you think it's right for us to give him our best!

We sing the song, " you deserve glory, and the honor, as we lift our hands in worship, as we magnify the Lord, ... What a beautiful song of praise and worship to the one whose mind is on us continually.

I just want to EXALT him today, because he truly deserves our praise.

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Saturday, November 13, 2010

When NOTHING seems to work!

Eph 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.  ...Next verse says; STAND THEREFORE!...

We've all attempted things at one time or another that was just out of our total control, not like driving a vehicle, at least you can steer it where you want it to go.

What do we do when things are NOT in our control? yet we have done everything that we know to do and we've even done everything that we know to do RIGHT! ...and things still seem not to be going the way that we would like for them to turn out.

My Friend, these are tuff matters and guess what? I don't have anything else to say except as the Word above teaches us, and that is to STAND.

There are just some things that we need God to work out for us, and if you'll look at his track record, he always gets it right!

I've talked with people that were sick, dealing with problems, family issues or what have you, they did everything according to plan and it still seems as though the bottom falls completely out and YES! it's discouraging, but keep standing!!!

God has a way of showing up at just the right time! My only advise that I can give is this, keep praying, trusting, believing and stay in the Word of God, refreshing yourself with power from on high and you will be victorious.  This I can speak my friend from experience. May God Richly Bless You!

Praying with YOU in mind,

Wriiten By,  Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Friday, November 12, 2010

How Big is your Cord?

Ecc 4:12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

We have all heard it said, ...that a threefold cord is not quickly (or easily) broken. I think about the many people that are hurting, as you read this you may be one of them, if they just had someone or others that could bind together with them to stay in the fight, how much better off they would be.

The enemy wants to destroy individuals, families, marriages and ministries and the list goes on, but something happens when people stand firm together and pray for one another, as with the 3 fold cord. It's easy to listen to the various problems that people have and to think that we have done good just to know the information about them, but do we really pray for them?

Please understand that knowing about someones troubles is NOT the same as bringing that person's need before the throne of God and committing that need to God in prayer.

I have often thought of how we take prayer requests at many churches and there may be 8 or 10 or even 20 or more requests and I would be willing to say that out of all of those prayer request the real focus of prayer concerning them is the 30-45 seconds or so that people pray as a church body and then those needs are many times, simply FORGOTTEN.

I am thankful for those that I have as my prayer warriors, these are people that I have purposely chosen as my prayer partners, they don't know it many times, but I have chosen them to pray with me concerning my needs, but in return, I make sure that I am returning the blessing by praying with them concerning their needs.

You may ask, how many do I have? let me just say this, I have many, I'm always looking for more, would you like to join with me? I welcome you. What will I do in return, I will commit to praying with you concerning your situations that you have going on in your life, but you'll have to pray with us. This is how you have a threefold cord, in this case that I am speaking of the cord turns into a rope or maybe even a chain.

This is what binding together is really all about, and let me tell you, it works! Okay! here is the challenge, take the next 10 days and start finding people that you can put on your team for prayer partners, let them know that you will commit to praying with them, and then do it! don't just say that you will and then forget about it.

Watch how your life will change, your prayer life will change also, you'll begin to get closer and closer to God. There is NO WAY that you could do this and NOT get closer to God.

To all of my PRAYER WARRIORS, I am so thankful for you and please know that we are praying with you concerning your needs and we are excited about the victory reports that we hear on a continuous basis.

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chosen by God!

John 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.
I remember a story of two little boys that were arguing with one another as to who was loved more by their parents.

The one boy emphatically said, he was loved much more than the other little fellow because the other little boy was adopted, and he was not really the son of his parents.

The adopted boy hearing that statement from his little opponent friend, squared off and poked his little chest out and said, you're parents had to except you because you were born of your mother and they didn't have a choice, but my parents CHOSE me, because where I came from, there were 12 other kids besides me in that room!

Wow! that's tellin' it, wouldn't you say? I really like that story because when I hear it, I think of the verse above that let's us know that Jesus chose us! ...then he goes on to tell us about using his Name and getting whatever we pray for, that's why you need to use good wisdom when you pray, you may get what you ask for and find out that you really didn't want it after all.

Remember today as you face whatever circumstance comes your way, that you were chosen by God, now it's up to us to show him how much we appreciate it by being obedient to him and living our lives for him everyday!

Let's bring some honor to the Name of Jesus! Let's lift him up instead of ourselves, won't that be a great thing to do? ...Well you know it is!

Praying with You in mind,

Written By, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Down but NOT out!

2Co 4:8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 2Co 4:9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;Throughout life there are many struggles that people go through, but one of the many wonderful things about living for God is that he helps us through everyone of them.

The verses above certainly bare out the fact that difficulties are sure to come, but they DON"T have to overtake you to the point of throwing in the towel.

Take a close look at this verse:

Psa 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. How many does it say that the Lord delivers them from? ALL of them!

We may be down from time to time but we are NOT out!  For this we can be ever thankful.

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Share the gift that you have been given.

1Pe 4:10 As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

What is your gift or talent that you would be willing to share with others?
We have all been given some qualities that is different or that varies from someone else, and these talents we are entrusted with are our Lord's goods, and must be used to bring glory to him and we do so by being a blessing to those we come in contact with on a daily basis.
One may have the ability to encourage with the words that they speak, for someone else, it may be their voice in the singing of a song, maybe you are a good writer and have the gift of putting far reaching thoughts on paper that can minister to someone, just like a greeting card.
Maybe you are able to reach people through writing letters, poems or even short simple notes of encouragement; this could be something that would minister to hearts and lives of someone who is of a broken spirit.
Whatever your gift or talent may be, don’t let it die on the inside of you. A very close friend of mine asked me several months ago this very same sort of a question, was I just going to let what God had placed in me vanish or die with me? This is one of the reasons I started this blog.
We are all a contribution one to another, good or bad, which one will you be? Spread the gift that you have with others and you may be talked about for many years to come. Yes! perhaps even you could make a difference in someone’s life.
Let’s allow ourselves to be used to the Glory of God!
Praying with YOU in mind,
Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Fresh Start!

Psa 92:10 But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.

Have you ever felt like, "If I could just start FRESH!" we all have felt that way at one time or another, there is nothing like a fresh start, getting a new chance to do it all over again.

Well! It's Monday! and that is what we get, the start of a new week. Even David knew what it was like to have a new beginning, a fresh start, an opportunity to do things different.

I challenge you this week to take the biggest trial that you've been faced with and approach it again, season it with prayer, ask someone to agree with you and watch things begin to look different.

Don't waste the opportunity at hand, ask God for direction, get focused, then move forward with faith, knowing that you can be victorious and allow God to move in your life.

Now is a great time to start, while it is FRESH!

Praying with you in mind,

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee~

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Let's get to the House of God!

Heb 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

We have all heard the statement and perhaps even used it ourselves, Do I Have To?

I am excited about going to the House of God today, and having the opportunity to Worship and Magnify the King of Kings.

Do I have to? Know! I get to. I pray that you are going to hear the Word of God Preached today and that it is preached without fear or favor.

Just think, you have the opportunity of going to church, not because you have to, but you get to.

You will find encouragement & strength as you gather together to hear The Word of God.

Don't forget, you even got an extra hour of sleep this morning, there's another blessing!

Praying with YOU in mind,

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee~

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Let's be a doer of that which is Good!

Jam 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

Why is it, that many times we have a tendency to put off doing those things that we know are good and replacing them with things that only cause us to become guilty of the scripture above?

Do we realize that when these things are manifested in our lives we are actually practicing SIN? We as believers have an obligation to always do the RIGHT thing! When the right thing is accomplished in our lives we always feel better and we are blessed because of it.

Don't let the enemy sidetrack you into thinking, well, it's just a small thing, If we know to do the right thing in the first place then we MUST do it.

Let's continue to pray that God will lead us and direct us every step of the way!

Praying with you in mind,

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Friday, November 5, 2010

Pray one for another.

Jam 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Just yesterday, I had a wonderful phone conversation with my sister who is without a doubt one of my biggest fans; she has let me know this without reservation. In fact, in her own words she said; “I would tell this in a crowd of thousands”. I am very humbled by this and so appreciative of her love and respect for me.

I spoke to her over the phone while she laid flat on her back in the hospital here in Tennessee. She has been having some tremendous difficulty with her legs and they have even discussed amputation with her in the past, but she is fighting that with everything in her. For the record, at one time my little sister weighed over 700 lbs. long story, for another day.

My sister is what some may call a baby Christian, she is by her own admission someone who is learning, but she is willing to learn. She has a long way to go, but she has been making some wonderful strides. I must say that I am also very excited about her direction.

Several years ago (about 20) I invited her to a revival that I was preaching up in the Chicago area and she came to hear me preach, she reminded me that the way that I had invited her was like this, hey! I want you to come and meet a friend of mine. If you want to know the truth I had totally forgotten this statement, but she won’t let me forget anymore, she constantly reminds me of this very act. I really didn’t even know until lately the impact it had made on her life.

I will tell more of this story at another time, but here is what I would like to ask of you for now, and until she reads this, she knows nothing about what I am asking, will you bind together with me for her need and let’s spend some time today and offer up some prayers for her in her situation, I want to see God heal her and I believe that he can and I believe that he will. Her name is Candy.

This is NOT just for my sister; I would do this for any of you, she does need our prayers and I know she will appreciate this more than words can say.

As I always say, Praying with YOU in mind,

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Give and Receive in Return, this is Gods Principle.

Wow! Did we hit a home run with yesterday’s message or what? I have kindness reports or shall I say (reports of provoking) just flying into my email.

See, it just makes a person feel good about encouraging others; shouldn’t you do that more often? Doesn’t it just feel like the right thing to do? Well, it is!

Don’t you know that God desires us to help others along this path of life?

I have taught and lived by a principle for many years, this is something I have shared with folks over the many years of ministry, I pray that you will begin to use it yourself.

Here it is: “We only get to keep what we give away!”

KJV. Luk 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

I am a King James Version Preacher; I have always used the KJV. to preach from, but I do like to look at other versions to get a more clearer meaning or a different view, so I have included below an amplified version of the same verse above just to help you get a closer look at what I was trying to say here today for all of our benefit.

AMPL. Luk 6:38 Give away your life; you'll find life given back, but not merely given back--given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity."

I mean, that just really help that verse to stand out, don’t you think?

I speak blessings into all of your lives today! May you and your family be Blessed!!

Praying with you in mind,

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

May I PROVOKE you today?

Heb 10:24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:

When we think of the word PROVOKE, many times we immediately think of this word in the negative sense. We think about provoking someone to anger, or making someone mad or upset, we say, " gee, I don't want to provoke them!" I may make them mad at me.

Well my friend, that's what I want to do to you today, NO! I'm not going to make you mad or upset, I want to PROVOKE you to do as the scripture says, I want to encourage you to do something for someone today that will show them that you really care about them. I'm provoking you to good works!

Maybe it's a call to someone that you have not talked with in some time, or maybe sending them a card, maybe it's a visit, whatever the case, we need to provoke one another in a good way and perhaps you'll bring some unexpected joy to someone.

Hey! that's an interesting twist "UNEXPECTED JOY" ...Oh Boy! we could all use some of that!

After you have done this you may want to shoot me an email and share with me what you've done, please feel free. frank@frankmcgee.net

Praying with you in mind,

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

He deserves the PRAISE not us!

Psa 18:3 I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised:

Think of all of the things people praise everyday, their jobs, kids, pets, restaurants and yes! even themselves, they go about talking about how wonderful something or someone is.

We have all heard people do this, perhaps we are guilty ourselves of bragging too much, I stand with both hands raised, I admit, I have been guilty of this in the past.

When we really consider the matter, we realize we have NOTHING to brag about within ourselves, regardless of where we came from or who our parents were, what kind of status we have in our community, when you add it all up it really does not matter about US!

It does matter however about the one who deserves our PRAISE, he who is WORTHY of our praise and honor, his name is JESUS!

As people who claim to believe, let's not let a day go by that we don't recognize God for who he is and what he has done for all of us and let's be willing to praise him above all things, for he said in his Word;

John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

Those who have studied their bibles at all understand what that scripture is referring to, but I think we can still get the message, it's really NOT about YOU & ME, it's about he who has given us a future hope of thing to come, I praise him today!! Hallelujah!!

Be Blessed!

Praying with you in mind,

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~