We have all heard it said, ...that a threefold cord is not quickly (or easily) broken. I think about the many people that are hurting, as you read this you may be one of them, if they just had someone or others that could bind together with them to stay in the fight, how much better off they would be.
The enemy wants to destroy individuals, families, marriages and ministries and the list goes on, but something happens when people stand firm together and pray for one another, as with the 3 fold cord. It's easy to listen to the various problems that people have and to think that we have done good just to know the information about them, but do we really pray for them?
Please understand that knowing about someones troubles is NOT the same as bringing that person's need before the throne of God and committing that need to God in prayer.
I have often thought of how we take prayer requests at many churches and there may be 8 or 10 or even 20 or more requests and I would be willing to say that out of all of those prayer request the real focus of prayer concerning them is the 30-45 seconds or so that people pray as a church body and then those needs are many times, simply FORGOTTEN.
I am thankful for those that I have as my prayer warriors, these are people that I have purposely chosen as my prayer partners, they don't know it many times, but I have chosen them to pray with me concerning my needs, but in return, I make sure that I am returning the blessing by praying with them concerning their needs.
You may ask, how many do I have? let me just say this, I have many, I'm always looking for more, would you like to join with me? I welcome you. What will I do in return, I will commit to praying with you concerning your situations that you have going on in your life, but you'll have to pray with us. This is how you have a threefold cord, in this case that I am speaking of the cord turns into a rope or maybe even a chain.
This is what binding together is really all about, and let me tell you, it works! Okay! here is the challenge, take the next 10 days and start finding people that you can put on your team for prayer partners, let them know that you will commit to praying with them, and then do it! don't just say that you will and then forget about it.
Watch how your life will change, your prayer life will change also, you'll begin to get closer and closer to God. There is NO WAY that you could do this and NOT get closer to God.
To all of my PRAYER WARRIORS, I am so thankful for you and please know that we are praying with you concerning your needs and we are excited about the victory reports that we hear on a continuous basis.
Praying with YOU in mind,
Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~
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