Friday, November 5, 2010

Pray one for another.

Jam 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Just yesterday, I had a wonderful phone conversation with my sister who is without a doubt one of my biggest fans; she has let me know this without reservation. In fact, in her own words she said; “I would tell this in a crowd of thousands”. I am very humbled by this and so appreciative of her love and respect for me.

I spoke to her over the phone while she laid flat on her back in the hospital here in Tennessee. She has been having some tremendous difficulty with her legs and they have even discussed amputation with her in the past, but she is fighting that with everything in her. For the record, at one time my little sister weighed over 700 lbs. long story, for another day.

My sister is what some may call a baby Christian, she is by her own admission someone who is learning, but she is willing to learn. She has a long way to go, but she has been making some wonderful strides. I must say that I am also very excited about her direction.

Several years ago (about 20) I invited her to a revival that I was preaching up in the Chicago area and she came to hear me preach, she reminded me that the way that I had invited her was like this, hey! I want you to come and meet a friend of mine. If you want to know the truth I had totally forgotten this statement, but she won’t let me forget anymore, she constantly reminds me of this very act. I really didn’t even know until lately the impact it had made on her life.

I will tell more of this story at another time, but here is what I would like to ask of you for now, and until she reads this, she knows nothing about what I am asking, will you bind together with me for her need and let’s spend some time today and offer up some prayers for her in her situation, I want to see God heal her and I believe that he can and I believe that he will. Her name is Candy.

This is NOT just for my sister; I would do this for any of you, she does need our prayers and I know she will appreciate this more than words can say.

As I always say, Praying with YOU in mind,

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

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