Friday, March 4, 2011

What if it’s all a hoax?

Have you ever had someone ask you the question, what if when it’s all over, there really is NO hereafter? No God, No Heaven, No Hell, nothing, just gone!

Well, if that would be the case, then nothing, would really matter would it?  Let’s continue the thought out though, what if there is? And you have not prepared? You are then ETERNALLY LOST, because of ignorance!

I certainly wouldn’t want to go to hell because of my neglect, even though, I can say, with what I have read, believed, felt, and have trusted in, for all these years, I am looking forward to that Great and Notable day, when the Saint’s Go Marching in!

I guess, I just have to personally say, I refuse to believe it any other way, if you would ask me why? I would have to say, because of what I have felt in my spirit for so many years.

Know the TRUTH! Live the truth, and trust him, his Name is Jesus!

I’m glad that I’m heaven bound!

Three things one must do to be saved:
  1. Repentance ; to be godly sorry for your sins. The dying out to ones self.
  2. Be Baptized ; In water, by immersion, in the only saving name, JESUS CHRIST. The burial.
  3. Infilling of the Holy Ghost ; with the evidence of Speaking in tongues. Walking in the resurrection or the newness of life. Old things passed away!

Just as Jesus did for us; death, burial & resurrection.

Your home work assignment is to read the book of Acts:

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

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