In this path of life, I am convinced that God allows us to come in contact with people for a specific reason.
Nearly 40 years ago when my wife and I were Pastoring in a small town in Kentucky we had a neighboring Pastor that we became friends with while we were there.
In fact, there was an occasion where we even preached for each other, we became friends, prayer partners, even had dinner together and many times we would enjoy our times together just discussing the Good Word of God. Then the time came that we moved away to another city, and so did he.
Our friendship became a parting of our ways, sad to say we lost touch with one another, almost 3 decades have slipped by not having one word with this ole preacher friend, we had become what I will call, let's just say, "long lost friends".
Down through the years not knowing whatever happened to this precious man, I would still pray for him when he would cross my mind. There were even times when I would travel through the town where we once lived on my way to a revival or to see relatives and I was reminded of him and not knowing where he had moved off to I would still call his name out in prayer.
I was reminded of the kindness that we received from him and his precious wife.
Talking with another dear friend of mine here just a few days ago about a computer problem that I have been having, he made arrangements to put me in contact with a close friend of his that works on computers, now this guy is sorta like a genius on these computer issues and he is also a fine christian man.
We worked for several hours over the phone trying to resolve my PC issues, during this time we are of course exchanging stories of what we have each done over the years of our lives and we were having an enjoyable conversation and all the while trying to resolve my computer headache.
We start talking about places that we have lived, different jobs we have had over the years, and then we talked about this town in Kentucky where I use to live, he at one time had a business that would take him to that same town periodically.
Now keep in mind, this gentleman now lives a couple hundred miles from that town that I'm referring to, as he is talking he begins to mention his church that he attends, one thing leads to another in our conversation, all of a sudden I stop him! and I mention to him a name, he says YES! That's my Pastor!
Well!! Guess what? ...I found my ole "long lost friend", I was so excited when he gave me his phone number so that I could call him and I did that very thing tonight, you talk about a surprise! I talked to him for a while on the phone even before I told him who I was, then I mentioned my name and he knew me immediately!
I thank God that he allowed our paths to cross nearly 40 years ago, but even happier, that he allowed us to re-connect over the many years that have now gone by.
You know what else I'm thankful for? it wasn't one of those things where he or I dreaded the re-connect, like somebody that you had hard feeling against, or somebody that you owed money to and never paid them, and when you saw them you had to try and dodge them or disguise yourself or perhaps look the other way.
He and I are both looking forward to the opportunity that we will have to enjoy a much longer reunion to reminisce when our schedules permit.
Oh! By the way! This Computer Genius that lead me to this man I just told you about, well, in our discussion, I also found out that he knows people that my wife knew back in her childhood over in Eastern Kentucky, now I know what you're thinking! " Ain't this a small world?".
Let me say this, be nice to folks that God allows to cross your path in this life, you may meet them again somewhere here down the road. Who knows! If you're a christian and they are likewise, if not here, you certainly want to meet them in Heaven!
One more thing, this preacher and I that I'm talking about, we're really not that OLD, that's why I said "ole" not old!
Live for God like there's no tomorrow, because you're tomorrow could start today.
Praying with you in mind,
Ev. Frank Mc Gee ~
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