Thursday, March 14, 2013

Seven things you will never regret!

  1. Showing kindness to another person.
  2. Saying "I'm sorry" when you've hurt someone.
  3. Refusing to destroy someone's reputation through gossip.
  4. Refusing that is wrong.
  5. Doing something that is right.
  6. Giving honor to your parents.
  7. Giving God the priority he deserves.

Obviously, the list could go on and on!
But doesn't it just make you feel good when you have accomplished things that you absolutely know are good and right things to do?

Having done some motivational speaking in the past, one of the things that I have taught and enjoyed doing was this, teaching people how to be kind on "purpose". 

Almost making a game out of it!

Like, purposely letting someone getting in front of you in line, NOT because you weren't ready, but because you just wanted to show kindness on "purpose"! 

Here's one we use to just love doing, driving through a TOLL BOOTH on the highway and paying the toll for the person behind you, and not even knowing them. 

They would just drive past you and start waving and probably asking themselves, " do I know them?". 

Or paying for someone's meal in a restaurant and telling the waitress/waiter not to tell them who it was.

A principle that I have lived by and have taught to many down through the years is this, " we only get to keep, what we give away!". 

Let's be kind on PURPOSE! not just because it's the right thing to do.

Praying with you in mind,

Ev. Frank Mc Gee ~

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