We have been in several Holy Ghost filled meetings over the last few weeks and we have had a wonderful time.
The power of God is being poured out in a tremendous way and we are so thankful for what God is doing in the lives of so many. This past Sunday morning we preached at a small country church and we absolutely had a glorious time in the Lord.
People are so hungry for a genuine move of God in this hour and they are looking for the REAL, not some sort of make shift feel good for the moment kind of feeling.
The best thing a person can do in this hour is to make up in their mind and spirit that you are going to be victorious, and this my friend will come with a price. The enemy will fight you with everything he can, but when you have a made up mind that you are going to receive everything that you can from God and not back up you just opened the flood gates for God to bless you and he will.
We had another HOLY GHOST impact service Sunday night at our home church, we are seeing revival in a great way, I looked at my wife at church Sunday night as people were filling up the Sanctuary and I said where are all these people coming from? But when you get something stirred up in the Holy Ghost people will hear about it and they will come.
I hope you are not going to some dead dry service and not feeling the POWER of GOD in a great way! God is doing a great work in this hour for those that want something done in their hearts, if you just want to go through some motion and not experience the Power of God, you can find that just about anywhere.
I have seen it here at home , and it thrills my heart, our young people are getting in every service and they are bringing other young people and we have seen a mighty move of God like we have not seen in a long time. The WORD is being preached so powerful and we have such an anointing, there is something in every service for everybody.
I have even watched our elder folks get right in the midst of all that is going on and they are being blessed tremendously.
Just as a reminder, I have several meetings coming up and we are looking forward to this same POWER of God moving at the Churches where we will be throughout Tennessee, Kentucky and the list goes on.
If you Pastors out there that are reading this blog and are needing Revival in your church you need to be calling me 731-586-4210 and lets make plans to be at your church soon. Don't make all the excuses that I hear from time to time. We Can't Afford It! You can't afford not to have Revival!
Thanks to all of you that follow my Blog and that pray for us continuously, the list is getting bigger all the time.
START THINKING REVIVAL!!! and give me a call. I will bring the WORD to your church!!!
Praying with you in mind.
Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~
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