Sis. Mc Gee and I are so thankful that today we celebrate our wedding anniversary, and for this we thank our God. I love you Sweetheart! You are my gift from God.
Mar 7:37 And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well: he maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak.
There is a variety of different things that we all do or can do if the need arises, some of these things we are good at, others no so good. We all have different talents that we have been given and in a nice kind of way we can be so thankful ( in other words brag just a little ) for these things for which we have ability.
Some are good at writing, cooking, some are fast readers; some may know computers, electronics, etc. Others may just be good at some menial task, but it's something you can do.
On the other hand, the Word teaches us that God does ALL THINGS WELL! If that be the case, doesn't it make sense to turn over whatever we might be going through today to God and let him take care of us?
Another verse says:
1Pe 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
What a blessing to be able to cast our cares upon the very one that does ALL Things Well! Let's not allow ourselves to deal with things that we should be turning over to the very one that cares for us, and he cared so much, that he made us in his likeness and in his image.
When it comes to getting the job done, God has us all beat! and for this I am thankful.
Praying with you in mind,
Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~
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