Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Motivation Factor!

  •  Col 3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
 What is your Motivation Factor?

Ask yourself the question, what is it that really motivates me? Some people are motivated by the sports they enjoy, or perhaps some sort of other recreation like camping, fishing, hunting or maybe it’s just plain ole checkers.

What is it that you are longing to do? You just can’t wait until the next time you get to indulge in whatever it is.

Are you ever MOTIVATED by reading the Word of God, or getting to church and just can’t wait to hear what the Preacher is going to preach! How about the next opportunity to PRAY, does that excite you?  If not my friend, then you are just too hung up on the things of this world and you need to readjust your MOTIVATION FACTOR!

I was sitting here in my office this morning and I started thinking of this very thought, what is it the really gets me going, I must admit there are lots of things that I can think of doing that I really enjoy, and there is nothing wrong with having some pleasure out of these things, until it interferes with the most important thing, and that is our fellowship with the Almighty God.

You see, He wants our undivided attention, nothing to side track us, nothing to cause us to deviate from that which is most important, and that being him.

Here is a great analogy:  …and I must say that I’ve been guilty of this many times.
Do you know that it is RUDE and DISRESPECTFUL to be in a conversation with someone and talking with them face to face and to allow yourself to be distracted by someone or anything? TRUTH ANYHOW!!!

I must say, I know lots of people, and I have studied them over the years since I learned about this that I am telling you today.

Personally, I only know ( 1 - one ) man in this world, who is a very dear friend of mine, who is a world renowned artist and I have marveled at him in this light, I have observed him over the years, whenever you are speaking with him he has a way of never allowing himself to be distracted by anything while you are in conversation with him.

He looks you in the eye and never takes his eyes off of you; he makes you feel like you are the only person in the world!! I have even walked up to him when he was in conversation and tried to purposely get his attention, I remain without success.

I am saying all of this to just bare out the fact, that we must have the singleness of mind and heart when it comes to our communication with our God & Saviour.
We can’t allow ourselves to be pulled away by the cares of this life, we must have focus, and we must get our priorities in check.  Let’s work on our MOTIVATION FACTOR!

Let’s allow our attention to be on Jesus, even through this Christmas season we can get off course and forget what it’s really all about.

I know this is a sobering thought today, but one that is needful.

Let’s pray for one another, I want to be like the man I just told you about when it comes to being focused, and I am working on it daily, but I want to do better in all of these areas when it comes to ATTENTION SPAN.

Praying with YOU in mind,

Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

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