- 2Ch 10:7They said, "If you will be a servant to this people, be considerate of their needs and respond with compassion, work things out with them, they'll end up doing anything for you."
- KJV. 2Ch 10:7 And they spake unto him, saying, If thou be kind to this people, and please them, and speak good words to them, they will be thy servants for ever.
Did you ever set out to fulfill a goal but just couldn't seem to make the grade? Well! join the crowd.
I recently asked my blog readers to join me in a simple campaign to send out a few cards or a hand written note to someone they have not had contact with in a while and many have responded, all positive, but there are some that I just knew would jump on this and I have yet to hear back " COUNT ME IN! ".
Maybe we're just too busy! I am striving everyday to be whatever God would have me to be for whoever I come in contact with. In particular, over the past week, I have found several occasions to be an encouragement to some folks, what a great feeling that is, when you know that you have been a blessing to someone.
Just yesterday, there was a sweet elderly lady that waited on me and my wife in a store, she had a wonderful smile on her face and you could just tell that she would be a pleasant individual to talk with, so I did. Here is what I said, ...Ma'am! that is a beautiful smile on your face, she responded to me, Yeah! and I'm keeping it! ...I knew what she meant by that, she was not going to be down she was going to keep on smiling.
SO!!! I turned a good situation into a better one, here's how. To be honest, I really didn't like her answer, "Yeah! and I'm keeping it!" So I told her, You're not keeping it, You're Sharing it!!!! She thought for just a moment and she got even more bubblier when I told her that.
Then I told her what I have said for years, "We only get to keep, what we give away!"
She said thank you!!! for making me aware of that, I never thought of it that way! You see! people are just waiting for us to touch their lives, how many lives can we touch between now and the end of this year. We'll talk about beyond later, what a witness to people if we can just touch their lives even if it's in a small way!
I know we're all busy, but let's share some joy with some folks and make a difference, would you help me reach my goal of getting out an encouraging word to someone with a card or a note? ...can you say "count me in?". I already have mine in the mail, getting ready to send some more. Oh! by the way, these are NOT Christmas cards that I am sending, I'm letting folks know that I am praying for them and have a genuine concern for them!
God Bless each and every one of you!
Praying with YOU in mind,
Written by, Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~
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