Psa 51:15 O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise.
Psa 51:16 For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering.
Psa 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.
When it comes to Sacrifices and things offered up to God, they all have their individual place, but the truth of the matter is simply this, God is NOT looking for those kinds of things in this day and hour in which we live, but here’s what he is looking for.
God is looking for you and I to come to him with a spirit that is broken and a heart that is ready to serve and to be obedient to him.
When we come before God in this manner, it’s then that he knows that we are pliable and we are able to be used of him in his special way.
It’s almost impossible to get on a horse and ride it until his wild spirit has been broken. Now this does not mean beat down! It just simply means, ready to work in harmony with, and this is when God can get his best use out of us when our spirit is ready to serve and be obedient to him so that he can lead and guide us and so that we will be meet for the Master’s use.
2Ti 2:21 If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.
This is how we go beyond the sacrifice, and we offer to God something he can deal with and use, something that will work in accordance with his will and his purpose.
If it was just a sacrifice that he wanted, we could all go out and get that, but he wants something a little more special, he wants us where he can do his work through us.
Let’s give of ourselves to him in a special way and watch him bless us like never before.
Remember, let’s pray one for another!
Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~
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