Saturday, August 7, 2010

Try a little kindness.

There is a great amount of Joy that one gets when you help other people. I have always made it a point to visit the elderly and try to spend a little time with them and bring them some encouragement.

I remember when I was just a kid, I had a shoe shine route in Chicago ( the Austin District ) I would go on the weekend and shine shoes, I usually made about $75 bucks, which for a little fellow about 12 - 13 yrs. old was really good.

This helped me to pick up other jobs, like mowing yards; something pretty neat happened in my old grass cutting days, I even use to cut the grass for Paul Harvey! Yep! And now you know the rest of the story, and then there was the washing windows even walking dogs and I even picked up a grocery route where I would bring things to the elderly.

There is such a blessing in visiting these elderly folks, Oh! I learned a lot just listening to them; I even have a dear ole friend locally that I still visit today that I have known for many years. For years after his wife passed away, I would go by and make coffee for him and we would sit and drink coffee and read the paper together, just having a little time a fellowship, it means a lot to this ole friend of mine.

I have many folks that even till this very day, I call and chat with from time to time, some now are very elderly and yes many have died off.

There is also my ole 4th. grade school teacher that I still talk to even till this day, she' s way up in age, but still has a great mind, and she'll read this blog and know who I am talking about.

Then there is my ole Eye Doctor, Dr. Geo. Litsinger he was a dear friend of mine, back when I was 7 yrs. old, he fitted me for my first pair of glasses, I used to clean his office, take out the trash, clean windows and other little chores he would have me to do, of course he's passed away several years ago, but I still stay in touch with his family.

I could go on and on, sometimes even my wife gets amazed at how I still try to keep up with some of these folks that are still hangin' on or at least I stay in touch with their kin folks.

I know that down through the years, I have brought a lot of joy to these elders and it has even meant a lot to me, As I said, there is a real blessing in doing this, SO! here is my challenge for the week end, find someone perhaps elderly that you could be an encouragement to and go by and visit them, or give them a call, perhaps have a word of prayer with them, just let them know that you really care and see if you don't have a great weekend yourself. Come on, Just try a little kindness.

Blessings to you my friend,

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

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