Jam 5:16
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.The bible teaches us a lot about prayer, most people, if they pray at all, it's a word prayer with very few words.
Example: Dear God, We need you today, please help us and bless us with a lot of good things please help everybody else that I know, AMEN!
That! my friend is NOT praying! If you talked to your best friend like that, you probably wouldn't be best friends for long. Our praying needs to be targeted, meaningful, sincere and with all of the intention to see the working power of God do what we are asking him to do.
No, it doesn't have to be long and drawn out, but it needs to be a time when you are not in a hurry and a time when you can minister to God with your thanksgiving and your praise to him and then during this time you bring your petitions before him, and because of his love for us as we live for him according to his word, he seeks to bless us and answer our call.
He wants to bless us and meet our every need that you and I have , in fact, he knows our needs even before we ask, but the word says plainly, that you have not because you ask not or simply because we asked with the wrong intentions.
We all need to have a time of prayer, one of the things has has helped me is to have a set time that I pray and God always meets me there because he knows I'm coming to that place and he knows when.
My dear sweet old uncle use to tell me and teach me, that prayer was one of the key ways to heaven, it took me some time to really understand what he meant by that, but now I am so glad that I know.
Set some time a side today my friend and everyday and bring all your cares to Jesus, he wants to help us in every matter of our lives.
I'll be talking in the near future of some ways to help you during your prayer time and how to be more effective when you pray, but for now just do it! it's not hard to do but set time aside for your prayer time and that will help a lot.
Try it and see if you don't even feel better after you have spent some time alone with God in some very special uninterrupted time.
Blessings to you!
Praying with you in mind,
Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~
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