If you are like the rest of the folks that are trying to live for God, then you know what it's like to face obstacles from time to time. Maybe you even face them more often then most. Whatever the case, the good news is that we have a God on our side that is always willing to help us.
Throughout the Word of God we read about the numerous battles that the children of God fought continuously and how they overcame by staying the course. The enemy would like for us to just give up, throw in the towel so to speak, but we will not give in to the enemy of our soul.
I am thankful that even though I face many battles on a daily basis, I have armed myself with several things. One of those things is the Mighty Word of God, for even David said, I have hid thy word in my heart that I might not sin against thee. The other thing is, being around fellow believers and gleaning from them and hearing their testimonies of encouragement, this helps me to realize that I can make it just like them.
But one of the things that I have purposed in my life, and that is to find as many prayer worriers that I can possibly find that I know pray and I have them to pray with me. It would be safe for me to say that just about at any time of the day I have many friends around the world that call my name out in prayer and bring my name before the throne of God. That has always been one of my desires, to get as many people praying with me as I can have, this way, my life is always being bathed in prayer and what a great feeling that is when you have that kind of assurance.
If I were you, I would get as many people as I could to become my friends in prayer, and I have hundreds and I mean hundreds. Just thinking about that thought gives me encouragement because I know that I am not alone, I have my prayer worrier friend that know how to pray and I would rather have that then a whole bunch of money, and guess what? I need money! we all do, but I would rather have the prayers of the Saints of the most high God binding together with me.
Here is one more great thought that I want to give you and this should be a strength to you as you are faced with whatever your situation might be. Remember this, for every Goliath that we face in this life there is always a STONE!
Don't call your problem BIG! you never see where David ever referred to Goliath as a giant, he was a uncircumcised philistine and really that's all he was, and when David realized that, with God and a stone David brought Goliath down.
God Bless you!
Praying with you in mind,
Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~
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