Psa 23:1
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.Just about anyone that knows anything about the Bible knows a little something about the 23rd. Psalm.
I remember learning to quote it when I was just a small child back in Sunday school; in fact, it was one of our memory verses that we had to learn.
Read it afresh for yourself, notice what the writer is talking about, it's beautiful, it's comforting, and it will give you hope and thoughts of peace.
People strive to get things in their lives, some have become workaholics, they will pour themselves into their work to make money to buy things, let me say there is nothing wrong with having nice things, God has sure blessed me and my family over the years with more than enough, and for this I am thankful.
When life is nothing more than an accumulation of things and not the things that will really matter in terms of eternity, I think we have missed something very important.
The old question, what can you take with you from this life as far as material things? that's right absolutely NOTHING!
But we can sure lay up treasures in heaven where nothing can corrupt or devour, that's where my mind and heart is at this stage of life. The more I can pour myself into those that I care about and those that God allows to cross my path the better I am satisfied.
I have learned some great lessons in life, some I would never trade for anything and some I wish I could do over. My prayer is that God would instill enough in me and that I will spend the rest of my life contributing to others and helping people to enjoy as much of this life as possible.
I love it when people are happy and joyful, there is so much sorrow in this life, I have certainly had my share, perhaps that's why I enjoy so well making other folks smile and bringing them hope and a little cheer.
I love God's people and I so enjoy making them happy by saying nice things, kind words go along way, try it and see if it don't affect the people around you.
I have come to the place in my life after having so many blessings and NOTHING to complain about whatsoever, because God has truly be good to me, my values have changed, the things I once cared for now mean less an less to me, but the things that bring fulfillment are the things that I am after now, like being an encourager to others.
I have started quoting the verse above to myself at times like this, " The Lord is my Shepherd he's ALL I want!... of course not to take anything away from the word of God, but I think you can understand what I mean.
Go and be contagious to someone with your spirit of joy, help someone this day and impart a little peace in their heart by offering some kind words, see if they don't appreciate it and you'll feel better too.
Praying with you in mind,
Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~
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