1Co 1:18
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.Friend! there is NOTHING like the Word of God being Preached and his Power through his Word effecting your heart and life.
You need a Preacher! to some as the scripture says it is but foolishness, but to those that love the Word it is Power!
If you love the Word of God, then make sure you are hearing it preached without being watered down, soft soaked, or un-cut.
Some use the old spiritual pen knife and they cut things out and say things like we don't need that anymore, or they say God doesn't require that any longer.
God is a God that never changes, what he said, is what he meant! and that my friend is without controversy.
I pray that you have a great week end and that you receive and hear the powerful Word of God.
Praying with you in mind,
Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~
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