Saturday, October 30, 2010

That’s not just some kid, That’s God, robed in human flesh!

Isa 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

When you think of all of the children born, many times, folks just see a pretty little baby, whether it’s a boy or a girl, they’re just a bundle of joy.

Some fail to imagine what they may become in the future if given the chance, how will they influence the world and the lives of others? Will they be doctors, lawyers, how about Missionaries? Pastors, Evangelist, oh! the list could go on and on.

No doubt when Jesus was born, there were those who knew exactly who he was and then there were those that didn’t have a clue.

He was not just another child in a manger; he was the Christ Child! And he was coming to save people from their sins. He was God! Think about it, That was exciting! how many missed the moment, that would have been so special to be there and to realize just what you were looking at, that kinda gives me cold chills running up and down my back.

Well! Like the song, and I’m singing it right now in my mind “ I’m glad I know who Jesus is” … I’m glad I know who Jesus is, he’s more than just a story, he is the King of Glory, I’m glad I know who Jesus is.

I’ve often said, you may meet me and forget who I am, or perhaps you may forget my name, but friend, make it a point to meet Jesus and never forget who he is.

I close with this, you will meet him one way or the other, you’ll meet him as your saviour or you will meet him as your Judge. Once again, I’m glad I know who Jesus is!

Praying with you in mind,

Evangelist: Frank Mc Gee ~

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