Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May13 th.2010 EF. Hutton had NOTHING on God!

God still speaks to those that will listen!

It has always amazed me of those that are so out of touch with REALITY and TRUTH that sometimes they reveal things about themselves that one would never really know but only assume had they never opened their mouths.

Somebody one time said, it's one thing to think that somebody is not really as sharp as they want you to believe that they are, but it's another thing for them to speak and REMOVE ALL DOUBT!

Some folks want you to believe that God is no longer speaking to people in this day. God has always communicated with his people when he wanted to, or when people were willing to communicate with him. God speaks in many ways as he has since the beginning of time. God does have an audible voice and speaks according to his desire when needed, he speaks mostly through his WORD.

Our Communication with him is mainly like this, we read his Word, he is speaking to us, when we pray, we are speaking to him. If God is not speaking to you then you must not be reading the Word of God! God deals with every individual on their own level whatever that may be for that person.

I am so thankful that we have a line of communication open to hear from him, but he desires to hear from us. My old uncle use to tell me all the time as I was growing up that PRAYER was one of the key ways to heaven and I believe it more today than ever before.

Think about it! Why would Jesus have spent so much time teaching folks to pray if this was not a form of communication with God and if he did not intent to answer us? It just would not make sense. Jesus gave us several illustrations as to " How to Pray " But it's about DIALOG not just MONOLOGUE!

Here is a great suggestion for you! If you would like to hear from God, first spend some time in his Word and then steal away in a room someplace where there are NO interruptions and just begin to cry out to him and just empty your soul.

If you don't have anything to pray about, you could pray for me! ;- ) I hope this has caused you to think about this just a little bit and perhaps you can put this into ACTION and begin to see a manifestation of Gods sweet communication!

Pray my Friend, Pray! God Bless You!

Evangelist : Rev. Frank Mc Gee ~

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