There are many things here in this life that we find that are for sale, many times, folks will even barter just a little to see if they can lower the price so they can really feel like they got a deal.
Down through the years I've watched people as they talk about keep sake items that they have such value in them or perhaps hold some kind of memory of the person that may have owned that item in times past.
I've seen houses, farmlands, automobiles, tools & even clothes that people had put such value on and for whatever value they had in that particular item. But the someone comes along and offers them a price and they are reluctant to sell, but then the highest bidder comes along and offers a supreme price for the item and then one hears " SOLD! ".
Many years ago now as I think back when I first came to the LORD, what a feeling of gratitude I felt back then and still do to this day and how thankful I was for the place that Jesus had brought me to.
After having gone through many obstacles to finally get to that place where I knew that God had done a work in my life, I was never to go back to those weak and beggarly elements of life, but I found something that was so precious to my soul and I would NEVER turn back or sell out as the saying goes.
NO! when Jesus got a hold of my heart he put something in me that would never be willing to turn loose or to turn my back on him after what he had done for me and giving me a fresh start. What God had placed inside of me would never be something that I would let go of. Like the old song "Since Jesus got a hold of my life he won't let me go!
The world didn't give it to me and the world can't take it away! Many times the enemy fights and tries to get me to give up, but I just let him know that I am NOT FOR SALE! I have been blood bought and blood washed and I will not turn back.
As Davis said, I look unto the hills from whence cometh my help my help cometh from the LORD!
I am just not for sale, not even to the highest bidder. That what happens when you are really SOLD OUT!
Sold out for Jesus and for this I am Glad.
Hang in there my friend we are almost at the end of the race. Blessings to you!
Evangelist: Rev. Frank Mc Gee ~
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