Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 30th. Sun. Ten Commandments For Leaders

1) Keep your tongue under control.
Death and life are in the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21) Say less than you think. How you say it often means more than what you say.

2) Make promises sparingly and keep them faithfully, no matter the cost.

3) Take advantage of every opportunity to say a kind word to or about somebody.
Praise work well done, regardless of who did it. Praise in public. Correct in private.

4) Be interested in other people; their pursuits, their homes, and their families.
Let everyone you meet, however humble, feel you regard them as important.

5) Be happy.
Put on your happy face. Hide your worries and your disappointments under a smile.

6) Keep an open mind on all debatable questions.
Discuss but don't argue. It is a mark of a superior mind to disagree and remain friendly.

7) Let your virtues speak for themselves.
"Don't defend yourself. Your friends don't need it, and your critics don't believe you anyway."

8) Have respect for the feelings of others.
Wit and humor used to degrade others is not funny, and is always out of order.

9) Ignore destructive remarks and personal attacks.
Drawing attention to an attack only gives credence to the attack. Live so that no one will believe the attacks of your critics.

10) Don't be concerned about "your just due."
Let God promote you. Self promotion does not belong in leardeship or ministry.

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