Monday, May 24, 2010

May 25th. 2010 - Who's on your side?

Have you ever just wondered who might be on your side if you found yourself in some sort of trouble? You know it's a great feeling when things come your way and you are able to rely on a special somebody to help you in a given situation.
My wife and I were sitting at a traffic light the other day in Jackson Tennessee and all of a sudden a vehicle pulled up on the side of us and it was covered from top to bottom with advertisements.
It was actually a News Vehicle from the local area Channel ( 7 ) News, this car was a rolling billboard and they wanted to make sure that you noticed them.
As I was looking at this car and reading all of the info they had on it, one major thing stood out to me more than all of the rest. On the very back in BOLD Letters this is what it said!
( 7 ) on your side!
I thought about that for a moment and I immediately said to myself HEY! You don't have anything on me. I have GOD on my side and I don't need channel ( 7 ).
Wow! I really found comfort in that thought, my mind immediately went to the scripture where it says plainly : Rom 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
You know as long as we have God on our side, come what may, he will take care of us. Isn't that a comfort to you just knowing that? It sure is for me.
I'll put myself in the hands of my Great and Mighty capable God ever before I would put my confidence in the things of this life.
Who's on your side today? is it just channel 7 ? well let me tell you, that won't be enough when the battle starts to rage. Put your TRUST in God and he will lift you up.
God Bless You today!
Praying with you in mind,
Evangelist: Rev. Frank Mc Gee ~

1 comment:

  1. How fitting your blog is for today considering our conversation today. As we know that God is on our side, I know that He wants us to be on the side of each other as brothers in the Lord. Frank & Bobbi, I want you to know that we are on your side with your family and ministry.

