In the Word of God we read the story of where the passover was instituted, you can read this story in Exodus Chpt. 12.
God instructed them as to what they needed to do with the blood on the door post. This was a time when God showed very plainly the significance of the power of the blood. You know, we miss so many times the true meaning of the Blood of Jesus. Have you ever heard the term PLEADING THE BLOOD? Well! I use that term many times in my prayers.
Not only was THE Blood shed for our salvation, but it was shed for the healing of our bodies. YES!! HEALING FOR TODAY! Some would have you to think that the healing power of God ended many years ago, my friend that is simply NOT TRUE!!
There is a beautiful song that I am thinking of : What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the Blood of Jesus, what can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus - Then - Oh! Precious is the flow that washes white as snow, no other fount I know, Nothing but the Blood of Jesus.
OH! what a powerful song: What Powerful Words! I am sure you agree. If you need healing in your body right now I challenge you to allow yourself the opportunity of calling on the name of Jesus for your healing RIGHT NOW!! For the Word teaches us that by his stripes we are HEALED!
I am trusting that right now that even as you read this that God is ministering to you in a wonderful way!
Here is what I believe, some will contact me and say Bro. Mc Gee As I was reading what you wrote here I felt God Healing My Body as I trusted him. YES! God even works that way my friend. You see, it's all about faith, as your faith is, so be it unto you, says the Word Of God.
When we ask God for our healing HE SEES THE BLOOD and he is reminded that he purchased our healing through those stripes he received on Golgotha's Hill. Trust in his word and know that through The Blood of Jesus many lives have and will be changed. IN JESUS NAME!
God Bless You!
Evangelist: Rev. Frank Mc Gee ~
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